Sorry for the title, I can't edit it anymore.
Yes it is a APM 2.5. I have set the GPS to 115200, so that's a good reason for it to fail.
What about the other issue with the CLI that only display werid characters?
All,I have an APM 2.5 that I bought more than 2 years ago at RCTIMER. It has been seatting on a shelf since.I have trouble with the GPS, a GTPA010, I can't get it to work.I have tried to use the MEDIATEK FW utility, but I always get aI can use the…
"Hey Anselm and all,
I am very interested in how to set that up.
How do you do the wiring?
I have a 3DR ground module that is USB and I am unsure how to use it with BT.