APM Orientation

Hey guys, took the quad out today and just about wrote it off.

Im having trouble with the orientation, after coming from a KK2.0 board.

My question is, does the APM change the orientation based on the compass?

Thanks guys!

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  • I too am having the same problem in stabilize with the addition of  flight mode switching from x to +.  and it is spontaneous.  Luckily it all happens at 1 meter or below and it is recognized fairly quickly and I can re orient the frame using yaw to change fore/aft left and right, the first time it pulled an x to + did confuse me though.  I also came from a kk2 board and just ordered the teleletry modules as they were on back order.  I'll see if I can check the logs.  This was during alt hold tuning in which my altitude seems to vary widely, this involved fly, check alt hold, not stable, land, disarm, connect to Mission Planner, change P,I, or D value, disconnect, arm, fly, not stable, repeat, for 4 hours before it began to display this behavior.  I'll post logs when I get them.


  • haha ok, now im really starting to pull my hair out. Took it to the field today for a flight and some tests. Something was wrong and i couldnt get the board and ESCs were not calibrating. Long story short, I ended up re loading the firmware for the quad at the field, and re calibrating the APM, did a radio calibration and calibrated ESCs putting thr stick to max and powering up etc, then went to the CLI and ran the setup motors command and let that run for a while. So then when i attempt to accelerate it just goes to full power. The only thing that has changed is a NEW receiver which i believe i have binded (i can see al stick movements in flight planner) Any ideas? A GIANT step back from the original issue regarding the orientation.

    I also walked around the field a bit, moving the quad in various directions etc, I have attached some logs

    I am calm, and persistent but i must say its starting to get "slightly" demoralizing.


    2013-03-18 17-35-33.tlog

    2013-03-18 17-36 1.log

    2013-03-18 17-36 2.log

  • Outstanding!

    You will get granular information about what the bird is doing this way and the best part is you can watch the data change as the flight progresses.

    You are going to love it...probably...especially if you can spot what is messing up your flights.

    Looking forward to more information.


  • Ok so this happened again today toward the end of my flight, Very scary i must say...

    ive got some log files, 3 log files .log, .kmz and .log.gpx attached.

    I believe what im referring to is in

    Advanced Parameters >> 1/4 of the way down, "Use Compass for Yaw (COMPASS_USE)" Enabled.


    2013-03-10 14-47 8.kmz

    2013-03-10 14-47 8.log

    2013-03-10 14-47 8.log.gpx

  • Yes. The *.tlog and *.log files are created as you use the APM in a power-up session. Reboot or power cycle creates another.

    Use the USB connection and Mission Planner to obtain the logs.

    HERE is how to do that.


  • Orientation could change in 'Simple' mode (a modifier).

    Do you have a *tlog of this flight?


  • Yea i was flying in stabilize mode. Im thinking the orientation is changing with the compass reading?

    Any ideas?
  • There should be an arrow for which way is forward.  

  • Ouch.

    What mode were you flying in?

    The APM/Arducopter modes are listed HERE.


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