Hi All,
I just posted a new experimental version of Arducopter with new PIDs and control laws for Yaw. It's download only for now and I wouldn't recommend trying it unless you can rigorously test it. Please be careful. I've flown this in Stable, Simple, Acro, Loiter, and Alt Hold with no known issues. But you never know! This version is not yet compatible with the mission planner.
What's new:
New PIDs - I rewrote the control laws from scratch to add a PI Rate function. The end result should fly nearly identically to the current version. The nice detail is that we can use NG PID values for easy transition!
Before: -> After
Stabilize P –> Stabilize P (Use NG values, or 8.3 x the older AC2 value)
Stabilize I –> Stabilize I (Stays same value)
Stabilize D –> Rate P (Stays same value)
–> Rate I (new)
I added a new value – an I term for rate. The old stabilization routines did not use this term. Please refer to the config.h file to read more about the new PIDs.
I added the framework for using DCM corrected Accelerometer rates. Code is commented out for now.
Added set home at Arming.
Crosstrack is now a full PID loop, rather than just a P gain for more control.
Throttle now slews when switching out of Alt hold or Auto modes for less jarring transitions
Sonar and Baro PIDs are now combined into a throttle PID Yaw control is completely re-written.
My test flight with gopro but on 2.0.34, hexa, all default, servo cam stab off, raw video,was trying some acrobatic movements in stabilize mode so it could be shaky because of my fast hand on sticks.. should put expo on ele and ailerons now its all tx default. On 3min 2 sec - hovering quite stable...
I'll give it a shot tomorrow!
I also observed that alt_hold is not as accurate as two weeks ago... but my first thought was that these days there is a lot of wind in my area....
Jason, any major change in alt_hold in last two/three versions?
Concerning declination I'm getting two different values for the same location on two different sites.
Which one is correct.
Position is:
Latitude: 51° 11' 7.3" N
Longitude: 3° 5' 38.5" E
Sites are
Magnetic declination: 0° -24' EAST
Declination is POSITIVE
Declination = 0° 20' W changing by 0° 8' E/year
Tested RTL:
- Moved the quad about 100ft away
- changed to Loiter, front is facing away from home
- changed to RTL and it turned towards home and started moving
- took about 5-7secs (not accurate)
One good thing is that it did not over shoot that bad..maybe about 1-2ft only and turn around and it stayed there like in loiter mode. Pretty good test I should say.
Unfortunately that that will be my last test, due to pilot error (and considering I flew at night) I hit a tree branch..still happy with the current code cant wait to get hold of another frame :D
Anyone else noticed this, and would a dead band for the stabilisation servo's solve this issue ?
I was so excited so I just erase eeprom and recalibrate everything and went to the field. its a bit windy 5-10knots randomly blowing not constant. The 2.0.35 ATL_HOLD and loiter was pretty good I must say. loiter is wandering 5-10m but it was constantly find the sudden gust of wind. I got scared with what Jose mentioned on the RTL so i did not test it yet. maybe on a wider field.
Notice a bit of oscillation switching stabilized and atl hold on the first few flights. on this last one it was minimal.
Here's a vid of my last flight, test was a bit short. Apparently all my other flight test (longer test) were not recorded. I forgot to click the shutter :D
1st 1 min is on stab mode
2nd was switching between stab to alt_hold a bit of oscilation after switching around 1:06
3rd was loiter, i dont think it can be heard on the vid but you can here the propellers fighting the wind.
keep it up Jason. Great Job