ArduCopter2 Trouble connecting

I have connected and uploaded the new code via mission planner. I have gone through the setup with the CLI and MP. When I slide the switch forward to the fly position and try to connect to the mission plannner it never connects even with gps lock? I've even tried to connect via Xbee's set at 56700, but nothing. All the lights are good "A" is solid green. I do NOT have it conneccted to the Rx or ESC does that matter? I'm trying to make sure everything is working first. 3690867425?profile=original


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  • Im getting the same mavlink bad packet error. 

    It works fine for updating the software but not in the sensor section??


    I had it all working fine last week on a pre release version. Only got this error today when i loaded the zip'd code.

  • Anyone who recompiled the code ???

    i get error :-(

    ArduCopterMega.cpp: In function 'void start_new_log(byte)':Log:263: error: 'get_log_boundaries' was not declared in this scope
  • I'm getting the same issue. I had it working for a while and after a few reboots I can't get to the PIDs any more.
  • 3D Robotics
    Try connecting with the Mission Planner over the USB first. You need to tell the Mission Planner which PC serial port you're connecting from. Check your Windows Device Manager if you're not sure what port has been assigned to what.
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