
I’m working on my third VTOL control arrangement (images below). The first two didn’t go so well:). Using off the shelf ‘damping’ gyros (E-flight G90 for yaw and Futaba GYA352 for pitch/roll) mixed together through Parallax Propeller boards I can just about fly this. I can hold it airborne in ground effect in my living room for about a minute. It should be a lot easier outside with low wind.  My next step is to add 1 or 2 Hitachi H48C 3-Axis Accelerometers and maybe a LISY300 Gyroscope to determine and hold absolute pitch/roll orientation. If I can get that to work I’ll try to pull the G90 and GYA352. Finally add wings and a pivot mechanism then go fly.

Instead of a hodgepodge set of accelerometers I started to looking at off the shelf IMUs and landed here. A couple of questions:

  • Does anyone think the ArduPilot Mega is capable is replacing my Parallax Propeller Board with this type of VTOL configuration? Keep in mind for the most basic case I have 4 channels in and 8 PWM mixed out.
  • Anyone heard of someone interfacing the IMU “Shield” bit of the ArduPilot with a Propeller? Just in case the microcontroller bit makes me angry.

mVTOL_V3 – Current configuration. Using (4) Turnigy C5055-600 each with independent servo and (2) 5Ah 6s1p batteries.

mVTOL_V2 – Variable pitch motor for pitch was problematic due to thrust hysteresis around center. But probably could have been solved with a bit more determination.

3690871755?profile=originalPlease note I’m just doing this for fun. But I would like my toy finished and flying soon.

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  • hi all

    actual arduplane 3.6 support quaid plane configurations with tilt motors 

    but not found docs how to configure tilt servo 

    i setup

    Q_FRAME_CLASS,0  - quaid frame
    Q_FRAME_TYPE,1    - x motors setup

    Q_TILT_MASK,5  --my plane have 1 and 3 front motors tiltable  00000101B = 5 

    RC10_FUNCTION,41   --tilt servo at aux 2


    -i have no any signal at aux2 output

    -tiltable motors do not  start in plane  stabilise or manual mode (only turns in qstabilize)

  • This may be of some interest...ArduPilot Mega seems to be working fine with his system:


    nVader 600 Bicopter with ArduPilot Mega Autopilot



    This is cool too:


  • Wow! No replies? No ‘maybe’ or ‘good luck with that’? Did I ask this question in the wrong forum category?


    …maybe my VTOL is too ugly and you guys are still laughing too hard to type:)


    I guess someone needs to be first. I’ll get one and see what happens. It’ll probably take me a few weeks before I report back. Hopefully there will not be too much screaming, running and bloodshed …this time.

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