Wear A Spy DroneFrom Wired, "Called Nixie, this diminutive drone weighs less than a tenth of a pound, but can capture HD images and sync with a smartphone"....In development phase, very nice concept.
Open source Hardware/Software: Android-Linux-Arduino Single Board ComputerIiMX6 Quad Core A9 combined with Arduino Due atSAM3X8E = UDOOImagine the compute power available, possibly a hardware variant (minus the majority of the "pc" like…
"Cool, I downloaded and installed the OCTiPAD version into my IPAD,
that explains why the new one is a little thicker, amazing how they
get eight motors in there. The props are marked FC, I guess you can
order replacement prop pairs directly from…"
The Fox Board G20 (400Mhz Atmel AT91SAM9G20 - 256KB FLASH, 64MB RAM, 16GB SD)
running linux is powerful. The ARM926EJ-S has built in fixed point DSP support…"
"Having recently noticed preliminary ROBOTC support for arduino and Mega...I figured someone would try that on a quad soon as well. All exciting stuff."
"You may have already seen these, but, nice info for differential I2C implementation (P82B96, PCA9600 NXP)
"Reliable I2C-bus communication at high data rates, and over many meters, can be achieved using widely available twisted-pair communication…"
"My daughter and I each have a EagleJet from Protocol..pretty much the same copter with RF control. They are amazingly stable..indoors. There has to be absolutely no wind to fly it outside. The winning Pixhawk 2009 machine uses the LAMA 400…"
"That's a good Crikey as in wow amazing much much respect for your talent, I've got just the pefect workstation to try it on, will provide feedback on your installation instructions. Thanks! "