Attopilot 180A



I get a voltage reading that makes sense, but even a fully charged battery only shows at 23%, also a flat battery shows at 23% when I first connect xbee.

It doesn't make a difference if I plug in a 3s 3000mah battery or a 4s 6000mah battery.  Same results.


Assistance would be appriciated.  I saw someone else post the same problem under the 2.6 Released topic but has had no replies.


Thanks in advance.


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  • Confirmed still apm planner .96 still getting 0%

  • I get a similar issue.  I definitely have current sensing working in the hardware (the AttoPilot current output pin varies in voltage as the current varies), but my current and load metrics always show as 0 in the Planner.

    I'm using 1.1.96 with ArduCopter 2.6 and mavlink 1.0.

    The TLOG output always shows current_battery at 0.

  • I think this issue is still unresolved. I have used .94 and .95. Now I just get a 0% reading no matter what. Any one else having issues like this?

  • This might explain it:

  • when you change to 2.6 are you changing to the MP for mavlink 1.0? there is a different exe file in the folder for mav 1.0

  • Because the numbers in terminal make sense with regards to the battery, I am starting to think that the fault lies with the way that APM Planner is calculating the percentage.

  • have you set the voltages in the planner? sometimes it takes a few goes hitting enter and clicking in other boxes to get the voltages saved.

This reply was deleted.


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