Auto Waypoint Startup Altitude


I had an auto waypoint flight yesterday, mission was like this:


Go to point A, altitude 300

From A go to B, altitude 400

From B go to C, altitude 400




When I switched to auto via my controller, at first quad started to do some yaws, like 3-4 times it went around itself (360 degree), then it moved toward point A.

I thought it will increase altitude at first or at least in middle of flight while moving to A, but it just started to move toward point A with EXACT altitude I was achived with Stabilize (which then I turned to Auto mode). Therefore it caused a crash to a tree in front of it and entire mission failed.


a) Why it had 3-4 times yaw around?

b) Why it doesnt increase altitude at first or during flight to mission point? Does ArduCopter achive altitude after reaching the defined point?



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  • I'm having same problem, my problem is like this:

    Copter doesn't increase altitude if I don't have delay to it. For example

    via mission planner I set

    #1 WayPoint 1 no delay, altitude is 100

    #2 WayPoint 2 40sec delay, altitude 200

    #3 WayPoint 3 no delay, altitude 300

    #4 WayPoint 4 30 sec delay, altitude 400

    #5 RTL

    Goes to WP1, no ANY change to altitude from altitude I just switched from Stabilize to Auto. When I switch to auto in altitude X, it remains at X until it reaches WP 1, doesn't change again altitude, moves toward #2, no change in altitude, then as I have delay there, starts ascending, again without waiting proper seconds (40 sec) goes to WP3 altitude 200, reaches WP 3 no change to altitude, moves to WP4, reaches at 200 altitude, startes ascending for 30 sec, then RTL

    Why such thing should happen? I tried like 6 times, different values, different locations, result is same. Any idea?

  • Still having same issue...

  • @Bill, Logs wasn't enabled, I was disabled it for testing and forgot to re-enable it.

    @Saurabh,what's cause? what's reason for having such bad behaviour for some of us?


    Any idea?

  • I had a similar problem yest, though not exactly the same.
    In the auto mode I had programmed to auto takeoff to 10 mts.
    Then to go to waypoint A at 15 mts.
    Then goto waypoint B at 15 mts
    Then RTL.

    My quad took off properly to 10 mts. It yawed to waypoint A and started its course.
    After reaching A, it did not stop... it kept flying in that direction. . And overshot point A. It must have flown about 400 mts ahead of WP A, when I switched off my tx and quad went into failsafe and returned to home. I was lucky I did not have a crash...

    But I am really suprised at this behavior..
  • Can you post your logs?

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