Hi all,

I am not sure if this issue was reported before, but I could not find it.

I wanted to use Pixhawk on the Turnigy Integrated PCB Micro-Quad. I followed the following video for the parts and the assembly


However, I replaced the controller with a Pixhawk. I used the 3DR power module to power the Pixhawk, but cut the thick cables and replaced them with less thick ones that match the wires of the remaining components as I thought the thick wires are too big for 2S LiPo battery.

I am using 850mAh, 2S batttery.

The ISSUE is when the battery is fully charge I could fly the quad for a minute and then the battery dies, the charge drops from 7 to 5.5V. Tow batteries are gone now for the same experiments. I am not sure what the problem ism but am suspecting that the 3DR power module is not suitable for 2S LiPo battery and it's causing the problem.

Any suggestions? 


The problem was that I didn't fully charge the batteries before the first use. I fully recharged them, and then they worked just fine. 

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  • Thanks all. Problem solved. The issue was that I didnt fully charge the batteries before 1st use!

  • 2s 850 ma is not going to fly much for very long, did you fly before the replacement? 

  • that's not an "issue", to report unless you think the power module or pixhawk can absorb or dissipate all the energy in such short time.

    power module is simply a shunt with a 5v power supply, and a voltage divider plus an amplified output of the difference across milliohm resistor.  - it works the same on 2s as 4s battery.  

    you should measure actual current, and/or capacity of the batteries.

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