Changing mode using MAVLINK message

Hello everyone,

i want to change from Stabilize disarmed to Stabilize armed using MAVLINK. 

I have to send a MAV_MODE message:

Set the system mode, as defined by enum MAV_MODE. There is no target component id as the mode is by definition for the overall aircraft, not only for one component.

Field NameTypeDescription

So, the base_mode would be 128 because is the value for MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED in the enum MAV_MODE_FLAG.

Now, i have to write a value for custom_mode but i don't know which value i should write. Can someone help me please?


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  • Hello,

    I have been trying to run PX4 code on SITL simulation. In qGroundControl I am not able to switch to some modes. For e.g Follow me. I am pretty new to all this. I am not sure where am I going wrong.

    David Gitz said:

    I don't know if you got anywhere with this, but here's part of the answer.  I have been going through the ArduPlane code and found that a) it ignores the MAV_MODE_FLAG

    // decode
    mavlink_set_mode_t packet;
    mavlink_msg_set_mode_decode(msg, &packet);

    if (!(packet.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED)) {
    // we ignore base_mode as there is no sane way to map
    // from that bitmap to a APM flight mode. We rely on
    // custom_mode instead.
    switch (packet.custom_mode) {
    case MANUAL:
    case CIRCLE:
    case STABILIZE:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_A:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_B:
    case AUTO:
    case RTL:
    case LOITER:
    set_mode((enum FlightMode)packet.custom_mode);

    b) it only listens to the Custom Flag, which is defined in defines.h:

    enum FlightMode {
    MANUAL = 0,
    CIRCLE = 1,
    STABILIZE = 2,
    FLY_BY_WIRE_A = 5,
    FLY_BY_WIRE_B = 6,
    AUTO = 10,
    RTL = 11,
    LOITER = 12,
    GUIDED = 15,

    So it appears that you want to set your custom flag to 2 for Stabilize.

  • I don't know if you got anywhere with this, but here's part of the answer.  I have been going through the ArduPlane code and found that a) it ignores the MAV_MODE_FLAG

    // decode
    mavlink_set_mode_t packet;
    mavlink_msg_set_mode_decode(msg, &packet);

    if (!(packet.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED)) {
    // we ignore base_mode as there is no sane way to map
    // from that bitmap to a APM flight mode. We rely on
    // custom_mode instead.
    switch (packet.custom_mode) {
    case MANUAL:
    case CIRCLE:
    case STABILIZE:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_A:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_B:
    case AUTO:
    case RTL:
    case LOITER:
    set_mode((enum FlightMode)packet.custom_mode);

    b) it only listens to the Custom Flag, which is defined in defines.h:

    enum FlightMode {
    MANUAL = 0,
    CIRCLE = 1,
    STABILIZE = 2,
    FLY_BY_WIRE_A = 5,
    FLY_BY_WIRE_B = 6,
    AUTO = 10,
    RTL = 11,
    LOITER = 12,
    GUIDED = 15,

    So it appears that you want to set your custom flag to 2 for Stabilize.

  • Did you ever get any insight into this?

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