Hi All,

I tried to figure it out if the drones are banned out from all type of parks in the SF Bay area (CA) or just from national parks. (All the articles are talking about the disturbance of the wild life... well :) not so much in San Jose) 

Anybody from the area knows some place where it's legal to fly somewhere around San Jose? 

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  • The death of the DIY "drone" hobby is coming IMO, and I believe 3DR suddenly announced getting out of the DIY business was not spontaneous. We will be relegated to as it was before the advent of FPV, GPS and autonomous flight. BORING. Either that or will only be allowed to use "approved" fields to fly. BORING. Got GPS? You're the target.

    I will just post links with minimal comment. Draw your own conclusions. As for me, I'm probably done with the hobby after spending $1000's for what I now consider will be useless equipment. 

    https://3drobotics.com/3dr-collaborates-with-airmap-to-integrate-fl...  no mention of working with DJI and integrating with https://www.noflyzone.org/

    But 3DR and DJI were partnering for a long time. I don't recall that ever being announced.

    http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/airmap-announces-partnershi...  Dated Nov 17, and "for the last several months" indicates this has been in the works for a long time and IMO explains 3DR's decision to scrap the DIY portion of their business as only Solo/DJI type products can be tracked at this time.

    Read this 28+ page discussion at RCG   http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2572275  It got so bad DJI had to send in their attorney to lie  set the record straight. Instead he poured fuel on the fire. Few believe one thing he said.

    And for good reason. See AirMap's privacy policy:


    It's the modern day 'no call list' and "snitch on your neighbor". Don't like your neighbor flying his "drone" in "your" airspace (over your home as they put it)? Just complain and it will be added to the NFZ. Better still, your flight record, personal information and CC# are all stored for LE. This could easily be expanded to neighborhoods, then all parks, schools and fairgrounds etc.,  then entire cities then eventually there won't be any place left to fly except where the "authorities" designate. Don't think so? 



    • Quit.  Making.  Stuff.  UP.

  • Did you not read the DJI quote? They are going to track your every flight and have your personal information available  upon request by "law enforcement", including your cc#.

    Of course coming from a Chinese company it's no surprise they could care less about freedom, privacy and one single aspect of individual Rights such as due process, unwarranted search and seizures etc.

    • Your first mistake is assuming the USA is more 'free' than China..  I'm afraid it's the opposite, for most personal (non political) things. 

      • I won't go to prison for having a Bible study or attending the church of my choice and I can still criticize the government without much fear so although we have less freedom as time goes on, to compare with China is a bit of a stretch.Yet I can be bankrupted by violating draconian rules designed to make me afraid to use my flying robot toys as all it will take is a jerk neighbor to call the cops and get me "investigated". 

        Few seem to care that much about government/private industry surveillance here, but it's a hot topic at RCG.

        I don't see the value of all these new tech advancements if we can't use them, such as autonomous flight. Basically if you have GPS, you have a bullseye on your back.   

        It would behoove 3DR to get involved in the discussion concerning what DJI is doing. If this is going to be the standard, we model aircraft hobbyists may as well quit flying. I returned my Solo twice now, the second time because of the registration and suspicion of it being more than just putting our name in a database.

        As DJI is the undisputed market leader in the sales of "drones", 3DR must know something and should be communicating to the public their intentions concerning this unprecedented collection of flight data to be made available to law enforcement upon their request. As for me, I am not spending one more dime until such time 3DR engages and informs us of their intentions in all this.

        DJI is bowing to the FAA. Will 3DR do the same.

  • Deleted idiotic posts; trying again.

    Is anyone familiar with what's going on at DJI? It just looks over the top if true.


    Discussion at DJI forum here: http://forum.dji.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=38482&fro...


    Now may I ask how safe is our privacy with Solo and is 3DR planning on similar actions as DJI is apparently going to include the above in future firmware updates? 

    • If you choose to fly in a controlled zone you will be also be asked to be accountable for that. Seems fair to me. As for privacy, well I think it's a bit late for that.

      Do you have another solution that you can offer to prevent people from flying where they shouldn't?

      • How about prosecuting those that actually commit a real crime? 

        This just shows the desperation by government bureaucrats to convince us our Constitutional Rights in the name of "safety" is negotiable.

        And no, the FAA doesn't get to make up any new law it feels like. This registration thing was supposed be the "final solution"; so easy, just click on the button, give FAA your personal information and cc#. That's it. All you sheeple that did this without question and said it was no big deal. Ha!

        Why stop with toys?

        The question still stands. Is 3DR going to follow suit and provide Big Brother my personal information including cc# upon request?


        • so DG, how's that 'war on drugs' working out for you?, upset over the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage are ya?

          Yeah, that's what I thought.  Everybody wants their own laws, eh.

          • It's simple. We have a Constitution, within which enumerates separation of powers stating the president nor his cabinet members can make law. Nor can the Supreme Court.

            You like that they do don't ya?  We're now transforming into a banana Republic. You know, all that hope and change and "fundamentally transforming America"....stuff like that. Great isn't it?

            Instead of brown shirts, they wear suits and ties.


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