"I suppose you're right.
'Family value' laws, marijuana laws, anti-science legislation, placing the 10 Commandments (*levitical law*) in public areas. . . the US has the largest population locked up behind prison bars, both in number and percentage…"
"Gary:It's in evidence, as seen from this story, that the Federal Gov't (FAA) wasn't the entity that was addressing "imaginary horrors of their own making", they are an entity that has to respond to concerns of all the American citizens.
"Gary / Ernst,
thanks for the link for the safety vests. Those are brilliant (*no pun intended?*). I have been trying to find a cost-effective UAV fashion for some time, and those are just what I was imagining.
although I agree that the Mavic…"
"My point: a person could volunteer with a SAR effort within the US controlled airspace withOUT a 107. That decision of whether he/she is walking a grid with a flashlight or participating in UAV operations is left to the PO that is in authority.…"
"I concur with that assessment by the FAA
SAR is not a 'hobby'. Any lost person search effort should be coordinated by a public governmental entity tasked for that responsibility; i.e., fire dept, police dept, parks services. The onsite search…"
Very interesting CFD depiction of the airflow around a quadcopter.Sorry that they decided to use a DJI, but I suppose it is the most recognizable by the public at…
"Well, it all depends on how fast you fly and how often you're willing to replace motors. These little brushless wonders are only good for 1 to 2 hours total. If you push a 35C battery with a hotter motor, you're sure to puff them out.
"Hola H,
Yes, I have a QX95 that I built up from the components you mention. I started with the raw frame, then added hotter motors and an improved FPV camera/VTX unit. I have a steep learning curve with brushed motors and Cleanflight, but I am…"
"I just haven't seen the failure of sensors nor processors as a limiting factor in these systems.
Just as in any electrical system, the inter-connecting system is usually the least reliable. As far as my history with flying RC and multi-copters, as…"