ESC and FC for quadcopter drone

Hi there everyone. I am a beginner builder, and am in the phase of building my first drone. So I have selected the  frame, motors and prop. But I am confused with the Esc and the flight controller.

This is the link to the Esc I want to use:

And here's the link to the FC I want to use:

My questions is, whether these esc will be compatible with this FC, or I need to consider some parameters to match the Esc with the FC ?

In general, do Esc's need to be matched or be compatible with the flight controller, or we can use any Esc with any FC ?

Photos of both the FC and Esc are attatched for refrence

Thanks in advance for you help !



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  • thank you so much. This helped a lot.

    Ronald Pandolfi said:

    There are many ESCs to choose from, and nearly all will be fine for a first time builder. Select an ESC of appropriate voltage and amperage that operates on BlHeli Firmware and has an easy to use USB linker so you can install current firmware and adjust parameters. For first time builders I do still recommend our KwF ESCs with SimonK firmware and our KwF 2212 920kv motors because compatibility is needed between ESCs and motors. People used to purchase proprietary matched ESCs and motors from DJI and experience useful gains in performance. The reason is that the ESC must maintain synchronization with the motor, switching voltage to coil at an optimum time. If you have experience with automotive systems, this is like adjusting the timing (degrees before top dead center piston) to send voltage to the spark plug. Motors differ, so ESCs must be matched for optimal performance. Enough about optimal performance, your multicopter will fly just find with most any ESC that operates on BlHeli and has an easy to use USB linker so long at the ESC can handle the voltage and amperage. If you have not already done so, purchase a subscription e-calc ( and upload your aircraft parameters. This simple web based program will help you select components and estimate your performance.

    ESC and FC for quadcopter drone
    Hi there everyone. I am a beginner builder, and am in the phase of building my first drone. So I have selected the  frame, motors and prop. But I am…
  • There are many ESCs to choose from, and nearly all will be fine for a first time builder. Select an ESC of appropriate voltage and amperage that operates on BlHeli Firmware and has an easy to use USB linker so you can install current firmware and adjust parameters. For first time builders I do still recommend our KwF ESCs with SimonK firmware and our KwF 2212 920kv motors because compatibility is needed between ESCs and motors. People used to purchase proprietary matched ESCs and motors from DJI and experience useful gains in performance. The reason is that the ESC must maintain synchronization with the motor, switching voltage to coil at an optimum time. If you have experience with automotive systems, this is like adjusting the timing (degrees before top dead center piston) to send voltage to the spark plug. Motors differ, so ESCs must be matched for optimal performance. Enough about optimal performance, your multicopter will fly just find with most any ESC that operates on BlHeli and has an easy to use USB linker so long at the ESC can handle the voltage and amperage. If you have not already done so, purchase a subscription e-calc ( and upload your aircraft parameters. This simple web based program will help you select components and estimate your performance.

    eCalc - xcopterCalc - the most reliable Multicopter Calculator on the Web
    get the best drive for your multirotor! ✓ fast & reliable simulation - no more guessing ✓ most comprehensive motor database ☆ over 1 million calculat…
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