
I am using apm2.6 and trying to do auto tune and altitude hold mode but when in altitude hold mode, I move the throttle a little more forward and the quad copter turns into a rocket and goes straight up with a high speed then somehow i managed to put it into stabilize mode and land it, I have covered ONLY the small barometer not everything inside the cover also when I put it in auto tune mode it keeps gaining or loosing altitude with a small difference not that much loosing but yeah l, noticible. I want to put modes like loiter or position hold or RTL but can't because my copter crashed in loiter mode but when I read about it on the internet it was mentioned that I need to perform an auto tune to have such modes.

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  • Thank You All a ton for the help i appreciate it but now i have changed my board from 2.6 to 2.8 so new board new problems!!!

    will be posting it in a new discussion and please help me with it as i am a newbie to uav's.

  • Aryamann Sharma,

    Be sure to check on your radio transmitter that you don't have any expos setup. These expos, exponential increases or decreases, can be used for new pilots or for tuning an aircraft, they allow for slowly/quickly increasing/decreasing the signals your radio transmits. I'd also run a quick radio calibration. Vibrations could definitely cause some wonky behavior, so they should be looked into as well.


    Will F

  • Check for crazy high vibrations
    • 1) I need to protect the board from vibrations?

      2) do i need to put a cover on the apm 2.6(the motherboard is covered i mean whole thing covered)?

      • Lots of good advice on vibration control in the manual/wiki on this website (give it a good read).

        Vibrations are a major concern, and must be carefully controlled.

        Learn how to download and read your logs, which will tell you what your vibration levels actually were (in the wiki).

        Putting a large dome-type cover over the flight controller seems to smooth out altitude fluctuations, by smoothing out air pressure changes due to wind affecting the barometer. For me, anyway.

        (not too large, of course. A small plastic bowl or something).

        Vertical flyaway in Alt-hold (or loiter) is often because vibrations are too high. If it happens when you throttle up a little, vibrations are rising at higher throttle.

        Autotune is not necessary to use Loiter (or any mode). But if your vibrations are too high in Alt Hold, they will cause the same result in Loiter.

        Good luck.


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