Hey guys my hexa is very stable in loiter over a height of about 12 meters approx, but lower than that my hexa seems to hover well and then randomly drop nearly touching the ground and bounce right back up. I've thought maybe it was a bad reading from the sonar but same deal flying over concrete. There is a nice heavy foam cover over my barro so I'm not really sure what's happening... Please help! Cheers!
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Hi Sam, did you solve your loiter problem with your HEXA? I'm experiencing the very same problem on a Tarot FY680 Iron Man Hexa in Loiter and Alt Hold Mode. The ArduCopter firmare is 2.9.1b with APM 2.5 in the plastic topo box cover; the PID configuration is the default configuration for Hexa-X mode flight mode. In manaul mode the platofrm is very stable but when I switch to Alt hold or Loter, let's say at 10 meters it starts falling about 2 meters and then little by little it recovers its position and then again it drops down a couple of meters again. Do you have any "tuned" PID configuration?!
Thanks heaps for your replies guys really helpful stuff. I actually fixed it by moving my sonar module down one of the landing gear away from all the other hardware, not a problem since! Thanks for your input!
How's your Alt Hold P value?
I believe the range for it is 0 to 1.0, with the upper limit equating to a 1 metre / second correction.
I had a similar, but not as drastic issue, when I maxed out this value by mistake. Also I found that the sonar may interfere if it is noisy so maybe disconnect it if tuning at lower altitudes initially. It seems to me the sonar may work beyond its stated range to some extent.
If nothing else by disabling it then it has eliminated one possible cause.
disabling sonar fixes problem instantly. (in flight)
The strange thing, is that I can go 15-20 meters up, and it still "falls" now and then then picks up (it starts with a drop) - that is way beyond the reach of the sonar.
Other times, apparently at random, I can have a reliable sonar altitude while cruising over snow and asphalt, and stable flight above. Rebooting seems sometimes to fix it.
Once it's jumpy, it does not seem like the problem go away.
Hi Sam, did you solve your loiter problem with your HEXA? I'm experiencing the very same problem on a Tarot FY680 Iron Man Hexa in Loiter and Alt Hold Mode. The ArduCopter firmare is 2.9.1b with APM 2.5 in the plastic topo box cover; the PID configuration is the default configuration for Hexa-X mode flight mode. In manaul mode the platofrm is very stable but when I switch to Alt hold or Loter, let's say at 10 meters it starts falling about 2 meters and then little by little it recovers its position and then again it drops down a couple of meters again. Do you have any "tuned" PID configuration?!
I believe the range for it is 0 to 1.0, with the upper limit equating to a 1 metre / second correction.
I had a similar, but not as drastic issue, when I maxed out this value by mistake. Also I found that the sonar may interfere if it is noisy so maybe disconnect it if tuning at lower altitudes initially. It seems to me the sonar may work beyond its stated range to some extent.
If nothing else by disabling it then it has eliminated one possible cause.
Yes - I've seen it too, current build. (quad)
disabling sonar fixes problem instantly. (in flight)
The strange thing, is that I can go 15-20 meters up, and it still "falls" now and then then picks up (it starts with a drop) - that is way beyond the reach of the sonar.
Other times, apparently at random, I can have a reliable sonar altitude while cruising over snow and asphalt, and stable flight above. Rebooting seems sometimes to fix it.
Once it's jumpy, it does not seem like the problem go away.
How does it perform without the sonar? Which code version?