Hi there. I'm trying to make it happen with the following setup:

PC_1 (Win7) running Mission Planner 1.2.94 connected to Pixhawk v2.78b over USB and via ethernet to  PC_2 (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) running X-Plane 10. My setup is just as the one given in this tutorial but I don't get any values in Ardupilot Output other than "0.000". I also don't have any servos attached to the PixHawk, only the bare bones: switch, buzzer, and dsm receiver. When moving the sticks on the transmitter I can see its values changing in the Mission Planner. When everything is connected and running the simulated aircraft in X-Plane does not move. Any ideas/help?

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  • I've read a couple of times that it's not possible to do HIL on Pixhawk with Mission Planner..... hopefully in the future...
    You can try QGroundControl ;-)


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