As far as I know, the frequency of satellite Map updates is not very high, about every six months or a year, although the frequency of updates has little impact on our daily use. But in some extreme situations, such as floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, these commercial mapping services are useless.

I think the gas detection module combined with unmanned aerial vehicles can be used to detect high-risk areas and transmit real-time images in real-time. I'm going to try to build a homemade probe drone. I saw a gas detector G2 on BBS. I was wondering if anyone has tried this before?


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  • First, you need to make sure the instrument can be attached to your drone. Secondly, the most important detection devices are sensors and cameras. You can search for the details of this product.

  • I know about normal photography, but few cameras have 200 megapixels and must be very expensive.

    Adams Smith said:

    Forward photography and 5 combined camera 200 million pixels tilt photography, multiple options, with PPK /RTK, as well as ground-based GNSS, to provide accurate and efficient mapping services, while Lidar mapping UAV can also provide faster and more accurate services.

    Homemade uav detection! What kind of equipment is needed
    As far as I know, the frequency of satellite Map updates is not very high, about every six months or a year, although the frequency of updates has li…
  • Forward photography and 5 combined camera 200 million pixels tilt photography, multiple options, with PPK /RTK, as well as ground-based GNSS, to provide accurate and efficient mapping services, while Lidar mapping UAV can also provide faster and more accurate services.

  • The device is too big. Drones use too much power

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