Hi all,

I've successfully loaded and launched the flight simulator in Mission Planner.  Now, how do I use it with my TX?  Do I need to plug my APM board through usb into the computer and turn on my TX.  Do I need to arm the motors?  Is there a start up procedure on Flight Gear?  Please advise.



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  • Hi all,

    I'm controlling a quad with a Pixhawk board and I flashed it with custom firmware (based on ArduCopter 3.1.2).
    Now I want to do HIL with it to test my added code...

    I've set up X-Plane 10 as described in the common guides and when I click "Sim Link Start" in the "Simulation" tab I receive messages in X-Plane, so that works.

    But normally you also should be able to see the transmitter outputs if you check "Display all" and the start the Sim Link.... but if I move the sticks these values don't change. However from the "Initial Setup" tab it is clear that the transmitter is working properly. 
    Also the roll/pitch/yaw in the HUD of Mission Planner change if I move the board and I would expect this not to happen in simulation. 
    Finally I also don't see my quad lifting off in X-Plane (although messages are received by X-Plane).

    Can someone help me fix this?
    Or is it only possible to test the Mission Planner standard firmware for Quad-HIL (bottom left corner of Firmware tab". And is it thus not possible to test my own custom code?

    Many thanks, Menno

    • Hi all:

      I have a question for you guys.  

      I am trying to setup a hardware in the loop (HIL) simulation my multi-copter and X-plane 10 using Mission Planner 1.2.98 build 1.1.5187.14200.


      I recently purchased a 3DR RTF Y6 with a Spektrum DX7s 7 CH Transmitter with AR8000. I have upgraded my APM firmware (v3.1.2 Y6) today and calibrated all sensors with the wizard setup included in Mission Planner. APM (v2.6) is connected to my PC using a USB cable.


      I have followed the tutorials (http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/xplane-3/) and so far, everything seems to work. The APM and X-Plane are communicating (I can see the telemetry in Mission Planner and it matches the telemetry values shown in X-Plane 10). The radio transmitter is calibrated and the values can be read in the "Initial setup" window of MP.


      The problem I'm finding is when I move the sticks, the outputs and the graph in the "simulation" window do not show any changes and they are always null. I'm not sure what is wrong with the configuration or the setup.


      I will be grateful if you could help me with this problem.



      • In my experience HIL is not working for multicopters, but

        -Have you uploaded the HIL firmware?
        -f you've selected the "quad" checkmark in "simulation" tab in MissionPlanner it could be no stick input is displayed. Try unchecking it.
        -While in simulation if you go to "init setup" "radio config", can you see the radio input displayed there?

        You can also try: start up X-Plane, make sure "network" and "data" settings are as they should be. Shut down XPlane. Plug in AMP, open MP, connect to APM, start simulation from "simulation" tab. Then open XPlane again (in that sequence) and wait a minute or so to see if radio input is displayed.

        Remember, this didn't work for me, but maybe it does for you.

        You can also try to check the "quad" check box, then the radio input is not displayed, but it might be working  in the background. So look at XPlane and MissionPlanner data if HIL is working like that...


  • one thing thats out of date in the manual is the location of the arducopter model for flightgear as discussed here:






  • 3D Robotics

    It's all in the manual.

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