How to avoid malicious anti-drone system?


We are having problems with cargo drone - somebody is stealing or just jamming our cargo when we fly through one place (information about place is confidential). So we think how to avoid drone defender (most likely, this tool is used, because drone starts to fly to another destination)? Is there any protection? Maybe if we will make 100% autopilot without GPS that defender will not stop our drone?

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  • Carlos,

    First of all, it is illegal to jam ANY radio frequency in the US. Jamming devices are illegal.

    Penalties are severe...Jamming penalies in US.

    Any GPS jamming OR INTERFERENCE would affect the GPS device in a car and any other device using GPS! If so,

    Carlos, how do you KNOW someone is " jamming our cargo when we fly through one place". Have you used an RF spectrum analyzer in the area where this occurs? If you have, why have you not reported the jamming to the FCC?

    More than likely your system has a software/hardware error in processing the GPS data. Perhaps the software is improperly processing the way-point data. Perhaps the way-point data is corrupted; any number of issues. With civilian L1 GPS transmitted at 1.575 ghz, there could be RF harmonics overwhelming the GPS receiver, perhaps from an EMI source on your system, interfering with your GPS receiver! Information About GPS Jamming
    Public information about the illegality of GPS jamming
  • why not add FS parachutes and duplicate all the systems on it ...?

    a IMU track-presure FS parachute...?

    only mechanicals ....?

    If you are talking about diyprototype-test-ideas you ned cheap materials... :)

    and you ned to fly always in safety areas...

    sorry for my english..

    Tobias said:

    This discussion started with the question how to avoid "drone defender", a jammer only available to authorities. Did you read the  question? Its not about general strategies to handle gnss loss. Its about continuing a mission if gnss is lost.

    In this thread people suggest to wrap electronics in metal foil, cut all communication lines and the send a cargo drone (5kg???) into an environment where someone probably is using a jammer. What happens if the metal foil does not work as expected? Will the 5 kg thing fly without controll through the air and crash some where? That is an incredible unresponsible thing to do and  if people have ideas like that its no wonder that flying drones will be forbidden soon.

    Of course there are great diy projects. But the work behind them is more than wrapping electronics into metal foil.

    How to avoid malicious anti-drone system?
    Hello, We are having problems with cargo drone - somebody is stealing or just jamming our cargo when we fly through one place (information about plac…
  • This discussion started with the question how to avoid "drone defender", a jammer only available to authorities. Did you read the  question? Its not about general strategies to handle gnss loss. Its about continuing a mission if gnss is lost.

    In this thread people suggest to wrap electronics in metal foil, cut all communication lines and the send a cargo drone (5kg???) into an environment where someone probably is using a jammer. What happens if the metal foil does not work as expected? Will the 5 kg thing fly without controll through the air and crash some where? That is an incredible unresponsible thing to do and  if people have ideas like that its no wonder that flying drones will be forbidden soon.

    Of course there are great diy projects. But the work behind them is more than wrapping electronics into metal foil.

  • Why does anyone assume this is about "breaking rules" ? or that "authorities" don't want you to have GNSS ?  

    Having UAV to handle GNSS loss is a good thing, it may ensure a safe operation in case GNSS is unreliable/gone. 

    It could be by timing or strength of known signals in the area, visual odometry, or dead reckoning,  everything is better than not handling the situation.

    It's a good thing that people have an interest in this. 

    Assuming that GNSS denial is something related to some "authorities" that don't want you to fly there is just sad.

    For GNSS jamming at a specific location to be effective , they need: 

    -jam *any* other video+control link frequency/service (also cellular networks)

    -un-invent the beforementioned methods, and also somehow stop any radiobeacons that could  be placed within a huge radius, (such beacons can easily let you navigate within that area.)

    DIY is where a lot of good stuff started.  The community can only gain something good out of it.

  • I don't get your argument.

    Anyhow, I don't see why anyone should try to avoid jamming with diy methods which are lacking extensive testing. Someone who does that is simple not acting responsibly. I don't see what is bad about beeing a good fellow citizen who does not risk harming other people. I also don't think its especially non naiv to break air trafic ruels for non purpose. Its important not to be naiv when facing authorities, but declaiming that school boy breaking rules activities are some important fighting against authorities is hilarious.

  • What a pile of BS this discussion have become ! Guys !,  discussing "legal" and "illegal" jamming is pointless, anyone can do it. (jam)   

    Now we have a big NATO exercise in Norway, 

    a huge NOTAM affects whole scandinavia with the simple text :  UNSTABLE GPS SIGNALS EAST OF 025E

    simply put:

    Of course, the media , politically correctly, blames Russia for NATO training with such equipment (unless you would say Russia is jamming right now, just to let NATO train and get familiar with Russian jammers. ?): 

    Here is an article about airlines losing GPS, feel free to translate.

    - being safe against GNSS denied situations have nothing to with being a good and naive citizen. 

    NOTAM interpreted | NOTAM Info
  • I think one of the ways to prevent accidents and criminal activities

    is having a drone-patrol-security in possible conflictive areas ?

    Tobias said:

    I think one of the scenarios where a drone would meet a jammer is when delivering drugs, weapons and phones to prisons. Or delivering explosives to protected areas.

    I don't think it has something to do with censorship if people who know how to avoid jammers do not share this knowledge in public. What is the gain if we discuss such topics? I don't know. But I know that it potentially brings a lot of harm and that therefore any responsible person should avoid to discuss it.

    There are numerous cases where it is necessary to stand up and defend freedom of speech. But I don't think that is the case here. In contrary, such discussions my provide arguments to restrict freedom of speech.

    How to avoid malicious anti-drone system?
    Hello, We are having problems with cargo drone - somebody is stealing or just jamming our cargo when we fly through one place (information about plac…
  • I think one of the scenarios where a drone would meet a jammer is when delivering drugs, weapons and phones to prisons. Or delivering explosives to protected areas.

    I don't think it has something to do with censorship if people who know how to avoid jammers do not share this knowledge in public. What is the gain if we discuss such topics? I don't know. But I know that it potentially brings a lot of harm and that therefore any responsible person should avoid to discuss it.

    There are numerous cases where it is necessary to stand up and defend freedom of speech. But I don't think that is the case here. In contrary, such discussions my provide arguments to restrict freedom of speech.

  • The fact of talking about this issue, should not imply censorship on it, 
    is my humble opinion.
    Nobody in this forum wants to collaborate in any way with criminal activities.

    The fact that a drone can defend itself from some form of attacks,
    should be commented more often,
    precisely to be able to study effectively ways to control these devices
    in case of criminal emergencies.

    Tobias said:

    I wonder why there should be a legal scenario to avoid such a jammer. Either this jammer is used by the state authorities and it is illigal to fly there, or the jammer is used illegally and you should report the use of the jammer to the state authorities.

    I cannot imagine a scenario where someone would voluntarily send his drone into an aera where a jammer is active. That is totally unresposible and hints how to probably avoid jamming are promoting highly unresponsible behavior which will in the long term lead to further restrictions for drone users.

    I think this should be closed and parts of it should be deleted.

    How to avoid malicious anti-drone system?
    Hello, We are having problems with cargo drone - somebody is stealing or just jamming our cargo when we fly through one place (information about plac…
  • I wonder why there should be a legal scenario to avoid such a jammer. Either this jammer is used by the state authorities and it is illigal to fly there, or the jammer is used illegally and you should report the use of the jammer to the state authorities.

    I cannot imagine a scenario where someone would voluntarily send his drone into an aera where a jammer is active. That is totally unresposible and hints how to probably avoid jamming are promoting highly unresponsible behavior which will in the long term lead to further restrictions for drone users.

    I think this should be closed and parts of it should be deleted.

This reply was deleted.
