I'm cursed

I want to fly drones, so I bought the iris. It didn't listen half the time and has crashed so much it looks like an IED hit it. I thought I'd learned so I bought a y6 diy kit. It just fell out of the sky with the walkera g 3d gimbal and smashed itself to pieces.Is this typical for new rc pilots or am I just not ment for this?

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    • That site is messy but amazing! I dig through it in all my free time now.
  • I am a master at repairing for sure by now. I wish the programing bits were included in the documentation that came with the uav. Just found out about apm autotune, that would have helped so much ealier.

    Is there a good book on uav electronics?
    • best advice is get the very smallest quad you can find to practice on , I am personally using a Estes synch/proto nano(a flying pc board) for about 29.95 to practice literally everyplace(my penance for breaking a sk450 last weekend after no stick time for 3 months).

      Also prepare a checklist with all applicable info(IRIS flash codes and TX settings to check etc)  flight battery voltage check, telemetry check etc.. all these checked off before flight. USE the checklist prior to every flight it WILL cut down of preparedness mishaps that can cause crashes..

      and of course something that size has a lot less mass in a crash.. if thats NOT large enough get yourself an indestructible shell from gameofdrones.biz and build that out with the appropriate parts

      http://dronesarefun.com/ has a lot of useful info...


      ps you are NOT cursed, my SO's nickname for me is "crash"

  • Never give up ! Keep this in mind : build, fly, crash, repair, repeat !

  • Sounds familiar to me also, and I have been there. I would recommend a sub 300 mm craft they do not break as easy. We have a 270 sized miniature version of the UAV 370 that is soon to be released as a RTF model.

    The comments below are all good, and I think you could have allot of interference happening, do you use telemetry for your flights? Sometimes reviewing what happened is a good practice also.

  • If totally new to RC, one word - SIM.

    For all the money you have spent on hardware and trying to learn new skills, you could have purchased a computer sim several times over. They come with an infinite crash budget. They also come with more model types than you could possible get tired of flying. Mix the video to a large screen TV and you have a superb learning experience.

    Joe, Haygood, and Christopher are all spot on too. This stuff is an easy activity once you get past the learning curve hump but, like Robert L still finds out, these contraptions can still fall out of the sky even when we take our best shot at making them right.

    Don't give up and you did the right thing asking for help.


  • Thanks for the encouragement and the offer. I live on the east boarder of texas, but I'd love to travel to the coast.

    After recovering from the crash and making repairs, I ended up meeting an airforce pilot at my hobby shop. He said the airbase here uses a powerful guidance system for when the bombers are landing and that the system is designed to shut down interfering systems. Like multirotors. They fly over my house to land so that explanation works for me.

    I know have an esc that gets super hot with just being turned on. Going to need to replace that but in the mean time should I be flying with it? It still works.
    • An ESC thats running hot like that is already broken. Dont fly with broken parts. If you do,you may get the mistaken impression that your cursed, your not cursed, your an R/C Modeler.
      It's a fine line between "cursed" and "R/C Modeler". Much debate within the community over who is one or the other with many still "on the fence" waiting to see what you do next before they come down on one side or the other.....
      I say if you come down on THIS side of the fence you have demonstrated some manner of control and you my friend are a Modeler.
      If you come down on the side with the bull wearing a set of horns covered in little silhouettes of UAVs he's shot down.....
      Your cursed.
    • Yep, you're cursed. Simple as that. An angry robotic demi-god probably cursed you before you were born, perhaps because your mother was rude to a toaster or your father kicked the Roomba. Which is why you're now trying to fly drones in proximity to giant mutant electromagnetic fields that are capable of snuffing out stars. If you listen closely you'll hear that demi-god cackling after every crash.

      Seriously, heed the advice already given, we've all gone through this (though you'll also need to deal with that interference issue). And no, don't fly with that overheating ESC, it's going to fail and crash you, and it's also probably beating up your battery. .

  • How close are you to the west coast? What you need is a good ol fashioned weekend clinic.
    If your not too far away, chances are I'll be on a business trip in your area before the end of the year.
    I'll throw a bunch of stuff in the car and get you some stick time on a known good airframe.
    And we can get yours in the air, trimmed up, so when I leave you've got something you know works.
    A little training, hands on with a stable aircraft, making sure yours is "right".....
    All these steps help build your confidence level. If your making marked progress, a crash becomes another learning experience and a funny YouTube video instead of a hobby ending "I told you so" from your wife, gut wrenching, you wish you never bought one, crash from which you can't emotionally or mentally walk away from.
    It's not golf. You can learn to do this without losing losing your balls or wearing stupid clothing.
    And your wife might even let you go by yourself.
    This domain may be for sale!
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