I am building a quad-rotor for research purposes. I want to know if PixHawk is fully programmable, meaning I can code-in my own control algorithm.?
I also want to perform 3D mapping of surroundings and perform path planning in real-time and at high speed. Since, this is highly taxing on processing, I intend to use nvidia jetson with board carrier. So, is it possible for jetson and pixhawk to communicate.?
Best example of the application you intend to build is Randy's Balloon_Finder
It is running Opencv - Python and controls the pixhawk using Dronekit-Python.
This is a complete application and it work with the simulator as well.
You can interface the Jetson using one of these compact breakout boards from Auvidea:
Typically only a UART connection is used to connect the two. From memory Auvidea has a PXH2 compatible motherboard in the works as well, where both the PXH2 and the TX1 can be plugged directly into.
One of these will do what you need http://www.proficnc.com/system-kits/31-pixhawk2-suite.html