Mapping plane frame

I used to fly with nex5 on x-uav talon and canon s100 on skywalker 1900, but as i decided to renew airframes, found out that none of them available on ghe market.

What frames are new on the market instead of talon and skywaker? With wide fuselage and 45-65 dm3 wing area? Can't find anything in stocks...

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  • Don't forget about check this one, too.
    Pretty big inside, Sony A5000 can fit. Myself going to choose this one soon.

  • The MTD from My Fly Dream has to be the ultimate stable platform out there, it has low wing loading, decent length tail boom, carbon reinforced wings and tail, huge cavernous interior allowing 3 hours worth of batteries and any array of electronics imaginable, twin (counter rotating) motors offering better reliability (as seen on YT, after a prop explosion, pilot was unaware until landing), it has very accurate epo moulding and includes proper servo holders and plastic capped interconnects, literally a stage area for cameras and gimbal. All in all, a very well engineered and proportioned plane, frequently flying 100km+ missions, it is hardly affected by wind, has very low cruise power requirements with plenty of reserve for headwinds or ROC, flies comfortably between 45-60km/h. Has removable outer wings and tail for transportation, it is fairly cheap, and looks good Worth a look at least...

    • HI Alasdair

      Any ideas to have wing extensions removable? They make it really bulky.

      Thanks ID

  • Pop me an email (, I sell the Talon for $120 and the extension wings $25.

    Please note we do not sell the extension wings separate from the Talon because of shipping logistics of the extended spars.

  • Just thought I would show a picture of what I did to my 2015 Skywalker 1830. I'm placing a Sony QX1 in the fuselage. Without cutting the plywood I had to make a huge whole. The good part is the camera is well protected.3702232483?profile=original3702232292?profile=original

    • Rob,

      Could I ask how you trigger the Sony QX1?


      • Rob,

        Superb, thanks very much.

        • JIm, Thanks for the link on the cheaper source.

        • You may get the stuff Rob Dunbar suggested from Aliexpress, at lower price + free shipping. Look at this.

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