MinimOSD - Black screen/no image

Hi all !

I need help about my MinimOSD freshly unpacked.

I've triple checked the cabling and I don't know why I've just a black image on my screen.
There is a suspicious comportement when I power on the system. I explain how it happens:
1. Connect correctly the Vin/Vout/RX/BLK between APM, MinimOSD and video transmitter 
2. Power on the APM 
3. Connect the battery balance connector 12V to the MinimOSD  

At point 2, the ST led (orange) blink and the D PWR (red) led power on and still.  
When I do the point 3, the ST led shut off and the A PWR led power on and still. 
After that, I just have a black screen... It's weird because the system worked at least once!  
The firmware is up to date and I use a XBee but I've not connected the TX port on the minimOSD.

What's wrong ? Someone can help me ?

Thanks in advance ;-)


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  • Hi

    recently i bought my minimosd v1.1 from chinese manufacturers. I connect my mobius cam as below but i got nothing but black screen.

    in the meantime i never see green led blinking on minimosd. is it necessary?

    • left unmodified, the MinmumOSD requires the 12v on the camera side as well. you can modify it to run fully off the 5V however.

      • Mine is a bit different from rctimer's minimosd.  Still need the mod? 


        • Yes, same design, with slight differenced. Either run 12v tot he camara side pin from your 3S, or follow the instructions above, and cut the trace to the proper pin, and wire in the 5V from the other side, along with ground. 

  • Where is the best source to buy a replacement?

    After having mine work great for a few months, I no longer get any video.  Hooks up and updates via FTDI just fine, and lights on both sides are on, but no video.  This thing is like the achilles heel of APM/Pixhawk!

    • China. ReadyToFlyQuads makes a variant that's good for external monitoring of info (analog Arduino pin breakouts) but the owner takes weeks to ship the simplest thing.

      GoodLuckBuy or Banggood.

      And of course 3DRobotics sells it for the criminal price of maybe 4 times what every other place sells it for.
  • What the, I just used this the other day, now I plug it up the same way and I get picture, then blank screen, The the picture flashes for a second and blank screen, I did not fry it as I just used it the same way... I can still read the values from it and save but I cannot get it to do any on screen just blank what gives? 

  • do they just go bad? mine worked fine the last time I flew, now when I try it I get a black screen

  • Just picked up the 1.1 version from HK. After dealing with the bootloader issues I got it flashed. Did the solder blobs to power off the apm. Powers fine but the output is black with horizontal lines. Tried everything but no go. Assume its a bad board. Heres the thing... I wish I would have researched more on this unit before buying it. The lack of pass through is a deal breaker. With all the issues on this osd there is no way i'm going to risk my video and possible plane loss on it. This needs a redesign big time.
    • It's a piece of crap, design wise. It's probably salt in the wound that everyone except 3DR sells it for about $10.

      Once it is working, though, it doesn't fail in flight. Never. Very robust. But good luck getting it working without burning a few.
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