NIR and NDVI Related UAV Mapping

I want to have a discussion here related to various methods of collecting NIR imagery in support of generating Vegetation Index data such as NDVI, specifically with regards to using OTS digital cameras or modified digital cameras.

In general there are two approaches:

  1. Single Camera in which one of the 3 bands captures NIR instead of visible light
  2. Dual Camera One camera captures R,G,B and another captures only NIR

NDVI requires a visible band (usually Red or in the case of single camera NDVI, Blue) and an NIR band.

I've been working on a single camera NDVI mapping solution using canon P&S. Testing, testing, testing, and posting results at

Please offer any guidance, suggestions, experience, or questions related to using NIR imagery in UAV aerial mapping. 

I look forward to the discussion.


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