No Output On Channel 4-7

Everything work ok otherwise. The 4 motors run correctly, the sensors all check out.

I have a Corona digital servo that works when I plug it into the receiver or output channel 0.

On output channel 4-7 I don't get anything.

servoMotor = constrain(APM_RC.InputCh(3), 1220, 1780);

APM_RC.OutputCh(6, servoMotor);


I put the variables in the serial monitor. Input channel 3 and servoMotor goes from 1220 to 1780.

The only time the servo reacts is when I plug in the power. It twitches once.

Power is from the LIPO through a BEC plugged into output channel 7. The red wire to the four ESC's are disconnected.

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  • Thank you Sebastian. All four outputs are tied to digitalWrite for LED's with isAM.

    The servo works with #define IsAM commented.
  • Moderator
    // #define IsAM

    If it hasn't been done, I agreee w/ Sebastian. I can vouch for APM's ability to run digitals with sufficient BEC/supply, as my cam stabilization ran 2 Airtronics 94761's without a hitch.Let us know what you determine!
  • you have to uncomment
    #define IsAM
    because it tries to toggle these outputs
  • I too have had difficulty with digital servos, only getting some twitching on startup and very erratic occasional servo movement. With standard servos there is no problem. May be an issue with the current draw of the digital servos causing a brownout on the board.
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