One motor stops at higher RPM

Hi all, 

Still trying to get a handle on my quad and some settings, but I've uncounted a strange problem. My motors arm, start up and spin up fine, but as I get towards take of throttle level one motor consistently cuts out. It doesn't appear to be a loose connection as I can power down then put the thottle in the 20 - 30% range and it will spin back up fine, only to yet again cut out at around take off speed. 

Anyone know what the cause may be? APM1 if it makes a difference, happy to provide any info you like. 


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  • i had a similar problem. the setup of my esc was different. one stoped working when power drops.
    my battery was empty and as i rais throttle the power drops below a threshold one motor stops.
    i solved the problem by changing the configuration on the esc an recharched the battery.
  • Thanks for the tips guys I'll definately look into it, probably swap the ESC to a different motor and see if the problem follows. 

    Much appreciated. 

  • I had that problem one time and it turned out to be the ESC.  Upon very close examination of the ESC, I found a little 5mm slit in the heat shrink.  I cut off the heat shrink and found that a prop strike had dislodged a couple of the chips under the heat sink.

    I had previously had a motor come apart in the air.  I hate those Turnigy 2217's...

  • I'd still be inclined to think loose connection.  As the throttle spins up, the current draw on a motor increases, which means the voltage drop across a bad connection will get higher.

    Check all your connections.  If you get really keen, you can measure the voltage going into the ESC as you spin up and see if it drops markedly for that ESC as the throttle increases.

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