
  • I know that this question is a little bit out of the thread but do anyone know if there is a possibility to combine gps, sonar and optical flow in apm mini 3.1. Nice work by the way!
  • Developer

    Do we have transfer from GPS to flow and back yet? :P
  • Thanks to Goro, Pual, Randy.

    I got Optical Flow works well. Here is the video clip fling with OF

    P.S : The GPS is for only mag sensor not GPS

  • Hi Paul,

    FW : AC3.3.3 RC2


    I'm still struggling with OF.

    I found that Lidar is indicating correct alt  and OF log is shown in MP's log analyzer ( but not match each other OF.flow, OF.body IMU.Gyro like wiki )

    Even with AC3.3.3 RC2 + EKF_GPS_TYPE=3, my copter can't be armed with the message GPS 3D Lock error.

    I followed your instruction about NSH and it shows no error


    It'll be very appreciated if you correct me ^^;

    P.S : Log file is attached here ( )



    2016-01-30 18-16-21 3.bin.log
    • Hi Kyomo,

      Your log shows GPS_HDOP_GOOD parameter is not set correctly. You need to set it to 9999.

      Alternately, you can disable the pre-arm GPS check by setting ARMING_CHECK to -9.

      • Thanks Goro,

        I found it had not only one problem ^^;

        1st, I've set parameters to what you mentioned but still not armed.

        2nd, my OF has power issue so I had to power it up via USB first.

        ( I have two OF but both have same issue -.- )

        3rd, the worst I2C splitter had faulty even though OF looked normal blinking LED signal.

        By replacing it with other splitter, it worked.

        With the above 3 treatment it was armed in Loiter mode without GPS.

        Thanks again Goro and Paul you guys' sharing information. 

        • Hi!

          Did you manage to arm without GPS-module on the board? For example, can you totally disconnect the GPS-module and arm the copter with px4flow+lidar or you still need the 3dfix in the home position?

          • Yes, what I did




            and it was perfectly armed.

            • Thanks a lot!

              You say that you are using AC3.3.3 RC2. Have you compiled it from the sources or just downloaded through the Mission Planner (as beta version firmware)?

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