Optical flow sensor problems...

Hi guys -

Anybody out there that has a more user friendly way of setting up the optical-flow-sensor on APM 2.5?

My AVR and Arduino editors gives errors...

I assume I must load the test PDE in APM2.5 test and then reload APM program vie Gui?


As I asked, is there any other way of testing verifying and setting up the optical -flow-sensor on APM2.5?

I've done the voltage changes to 3.3v installed the sensor but really struggel to set it up as per the blog...


Hope there's some help out there?




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  • Hi Guys,

    I have given the connections given in the WIKI page and now my optical flow sensor is working well. Even I'm able to grab the images and motion values using python test program.

  • Theo,

    Did you ever have any progress?  Did you ever get an answer?  In Flight Planner I test the sensor and never get any values other than zero.

  • Call Dany at canadadrones.com
  • Hell, I want an Optical Flow sensor but cant find one. Where did you get yours from?

  • Same question

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