Besides Release Notes, is there any site where current bug fixes are discussed? There seems to be a few every day but who is finding the anomalies and how are they being fixed so quickly?While I suppose the Developers are busy will real jobs and…
Welcome to the world of DIY! I have realized that Arducopter is all experimental and not yet a proven technology. What works today may not work tomorrow. Crashes and glitches have to be expected, just look at all the code changes that come…"
Would there be any interest in a 3DR Quadcopter Carbon Fiber Frame? All the parts made of carbon fiber. Is there a structural reason this would be a bad idea?What if we could have a 3DR Quadcopter with molded carbon fiber frame? I would like…
I use the latest quadcopter custom code and the lastest mission planner. When I connect to the APM I can't tell if the code knows I have an external compass and what the orientation is set because the radio button isn't set. When I click the…"
I am unclear with your response. I am using the latest mission planner and quadcopter code and had a problem with auto flight mode. When did you fix this? Is this the answer to question 2?"
Today I attempted to test AUTO Flight mode and immediately noticed that my quadcopter seemed to want to fly the mission incorrectly. My first thought was that my APM2.5 compass is not set correctly - it is turned around 180 degrees so I have it set…
Any parameter changes required when using the 3DR 880Kv motors with 11x4.7 props? Any good way of tightening the prop nut? I am using an allen wrench through the nut but how do you hold the motor from turning? I wish there was a custom wrench to…
"Ah just paint the inside black, put the foam back in, tape the edge and be done. I am not using any of the Ax channels and thinking about covering the pins the keep out any dirt and any light coming in since the barometer is nearby. Hope everyone…"
"Warning #4 was experienced and now keeping me grounded. I had terrific high altitude loiter with very stable turning (my GoPro was permanently fixed and was rock solid) for 30 minutes (3 x 10 min) of flight time. The very next day it was Warning…"
I am contemplating taking the APM 2.5 apart and painting the inside black to ensure the barometer is not going to sense light. Any reason I shouldn't do this?If the barometer is sensitive to light why would the case be transparent? I don't think I…
Power Module and using Servos with BEC power from one ESC1. If you have a power module and you are using servos Remove JP1.2. Provide APM and receiver power via the power module connected to the APM’s power module connector.3. The BEC of a single…