
OSD with vector graphics compatible with MinimOSD


Have been working on an OSD compatible with MinimOSD, but based on a STM32F4. The OSD can do vector graphics and also can send data to the ground station using the unused frames after the Vsync pulses ( like teletext).( I use this to send data to my antenna tracker.) The OSD is desigtned to be a drop in replacement for MinimOSD and accepts Mavlink data.  Also has 2 audio channels ( so can be used e.g fo vario) and various peripherals ( serial port, i2C, SPI and PWM capture etc,) broken out on headers.

Here is a video of the prototype working



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  • Andy

    Really interested in this project! Been thinking about doing the same thing with an stm32 board I'd made but you've beaten me to it!

    I'm actually based in Portsmouth.. You seem near?
    • Developer



      I'm based North West of London, you are lucky to live on the south coast :)

      Is your board an OSD board?  If it's open source I am always interested in OSD hardware.

      I have actually moved more to focus on combining the OSD and Flight controller now on a single board, rather than a MinimOSD replacement, since I found the STM32F4 is quite capable:



  • And yes, the card works with Arducopter also. I have built up a V2.1 board (thanks to Andy for providing a blank PCB) and added some new symbology parameters. My version is heavily text based right now, but the OSD will allow for nicer graphics to be added (like Andy's compass). Shouldn't be any issue running this with Arduplane - just need to change the flight mode strings and enable the airspeed parameter display (only GPS speed enabled in this video).

    I didn't have any GPS issues with this version, but did have the OSD under my DJI X550 frame and the GPS is on the top above the controller so did have some distance between them.


  • Hey Andy, I saw this and thought of you:
    OpenMV: low cost, hackable, scriptable machine vision
    Introduction OpenMV Cam will be the most hackable, low cost machine vision platform out there, because Ibrahim  and I want to change th...
    • I was thinking more along the lines of the programability of the thing. But I don't know enough about mico python to know if it's worth the trouble.
      • Developer

        I have actually got a micropython board and it seems quite easy to use, though not done much with it. In terms of programming the OSD in Python. I think it would realistic to get a python API. Though Python is pretty slow, It should be quite efficient too since the Python interpreter is only at the highest level and most of the grunt would still be C++.

        Its another path for the OSD  waiting  to be explored. :)



    • Developer

      Hi Colin,

      I would think that object recognition is some way down the road! But its a fascinating project



  • Developer

    Managed to get the FixedWing maiden of the OSD today..

    Telemetry for the tracker is working via Video Audio and FrSky telemetry RX, Need to adjust artificial horizon pitch, but can do so via flash variables for next time. so Next task is to get the video vsync telemetry working, which will make the Audio telemetry redundant pretty much , though has been fun to experiment with software FSK modem on the STM32. Also looking forward to pulling in Andrew Fernies work on switching screens etc on Github...

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