"I set it to minimum supported value 2700 by Ardupilot according to APM:Plane 3.2.2 released: http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=11213
It seems based on my feeling helped a little. Still there would be nice if there is a more chance for…"
"I see option in openLRSng firmware to set "Minimum PPM sync time (us)" there is 3000 value set currently. Not sure what it is exactly and if it is good to change it. I do not see frame rate option to change there.
OpenLRSng Firmware Wiki:…"
"Hi, I did the same and was able to fix it. You will need to buy few electronics components and to replace them. Also you will need to fix burned copper paths. Here is a thread about it in RCGroups, which helped me a lot. I got help there and posted…"
"I have never tried anything like this to change. I though, that it uses maximum data transfer rate without possibility of user to change anything. Any recommended value to use for frame rate? I used PWM very long time ago with APM 2.5, but I do not…"
"The added delay is recognizable. Yes it is in manual mode. Yes it is perceivable. Would like to minimize it if possible. For fast flights it could be problem.
Thanks, Pavel"
"The advice is generally especially usable for somebody who is getting only small control range or not reliable remote control with with open LRS remote control and some other UHF frequency band remote control systems. Also for sophisticated users…"
"Hi Grant, Thanks for getting back to my feedback. What I am observing is added delay in control of my RC flying wing in the case if APM is used. The added delay is also in manual mode.
I can compare it with my previous setup where was no autopilot…"
"Thanks, will do. And trying to do it originally. I rather prefer constructive answers, questions and comments rather than something what dishonest somebody. This was answer to that not kind style of comment as it is used to get from that user (which…"
"Yes, RunCam authors did copper paint of the case. But it simply does not work as they expected. The measured noise is nearly the same level of Mobius. Only wrapping it to aluminum foil helped. Now zero UHF noise measured. That it is why aluminum…"
"First close your nasty rambling mouth. Second the measurements are important which were done. Comparison of graphs of components were done. Based on this, suspicion of the possible behavior can be expected. The practical effect of noise generated…"