Parameter not fully loaded


When I connect MP to Pixhawk using telemetry, why it was not loaded completely. In unit...description col. I am using Win 8.

It also happend in another Laptop. I have update MP to latest version, but didn't work.




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  • Craig, you are a saint. I spent at least 20 minutes searching for a solution. That did it.

    • The real thanks needs to go to lvale at RCG as he is the one who posted the answer. I was just the one who remembered reading it :)

      lvale's blog - RC Groups
      RC Groups - the most active Radio Control model community: electric and fuel rc airplanes,rc helis,rc boats and rc cars. Features discussion forums,…
  • maybe using This post shows how to fix it?

    On MP main screen press CTRL+F and the little window will pop up. Then choose PARAM GEN, wait a while to download all the parameters definitions from the Internet. Close Pop up and restart MP.

    RC Groups - View Single Post - Pixhawk LITE mini pixhawk clone
    RC Groups - the most active Radio Control model community: electric and fuel rc airplanes,rc helis,rc boats and rc cars. Features discussion forums,…
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