
Hi All


I had a great flight this morning, waypoints checked accurately and XBee performing flawless ~ 300m distance.


However, coming home I wanted to check the KMZ file, but it had no altitude info? Just lat & long.


Any ideas? Herewith an extract:


ATT: -590, -654, 7987
GPS: 34326000, 1, 8, -33.8475800, 18.5179710, 0.0000, 71.8900, 25.0700, 5.2600, 81.7400
ATT: -500, -972, 7962
GPS: 34326000, 1, 8, -33.8475800, 18.5179710, 0.0000, 72.0600, 25.0700, 5.2600, 81.7400
ATT: -184, -1364, 7982
GPS: 34326250, 1, 8, -33.8475800, 18.5179860, 0.0000, 72.7400, 25.1600, 5.1700, 83.3500
ATT: 88, -1427, 8011
GPS: 34326250, 1, 8, -33.8475800, 18.5179860, 0.0000, 73.0700, 25.1600, 5.1700, 83.3500
ATT: 287, -1335, 8068
GPS: 34326500, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180000, 0.0000, 73.3300, 25.2400, 4.9400, 84.4400
ATT: 422, -1253, 8135
GPS: 34326500, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180000, 0.0000, 73.4100, 25.2400, 4.9400, 84.4400
ATT: 544, -1156, 8193
GPS: 34326500, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180000, 0.0000, 73.5000, 25.2400, 4.9400, 84.4400
ATT: 696, -1035, 8232
GPS: 34326750, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180130, 0.0000, 73.1600, 25.3300, 4.6400, 83.8200
ATT: 980, -859, 8213
GPS: 34326750, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180130, 0.0000, 72.9100, 25.3300, 4.6400, 83.8200
ATT: 1209, -695, 8245
GPS: 34327000, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180260, 0.0000, 73.0700, 25.4200, 4.6200, 83.6300
ATT: 1400, -541, 8389
GPS: 34327000, 1, 8, -33.8475760, 18.5180260, 0.0000, 72.8200, 25.4200, 4.6200, 83.6300


The APM was correctly reading back the altitude in real time, just nothing in the logs.


Also, does anybody have an idea on the format of the log file? I would like to write my own flight analysis tool and make it available here.


Some snapshots:


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  • Developer

    i wrote in a check that can supports both the old and new log format.

  • > I would like to write my own flight analysis tool and make it available here.


    Look first this blog, there is a log analysis tool:



  • Developer

    the problem is with the log
    GPS: 34326000, 1, 8, -33.8475800, 18.5179710, 0.0000, 71.8900, 25.0700, 5.2600, 81.7400

    your mix alt is 0.0000 ??? your gps alt is 71.8900, the kml is created using the mix alt as this is what he navigation params are based off. im not sure how this would have occured.



  • Developer
    our ardupilot is also missing altitude data in the kmz file. the altitude data is OK in the .log file though.

    so I guess this is a "me too" on this bug report.
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