
So this is my first time using pixhawk and mavproxy, and I am trying to do an autonomous flight indoors. This requires me to turnoff GPS. So I have removed my GPS from my pixhawk and disabled all checks, and set the GPS use to disabled using Mission planner. My quad works in manual mode perfectly fine when I control it using RC. But When I try to perform an autonomous control using dronkit I run into issues.

1. It only arms in STABILIZE, ACRO modes

2. It won't takeoff, but the motors spin

The motortest command works fine. I am not knowledgeable, to ask any specific questions, I just really want to know why I can't takeoff even though my motors do arm (two modes above) and how to fix this ?

Any help is appreciated

Thank you!

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  • I tried taking off in GUIDED_NOGPS mode, it shows "take off started" but nothing happens. Please can anyone help me?3702417406?profile=original

  • Can you please tell me how to fake the gps signals to takeoff in guided mode? 

    Or can I directly use GUIDED_NOGPS mode?

    James said:

    The takeoff command will only work in guided mode.

    Guided mode will only arm with a GPS lock.

    Your options at the moment for autonomous indoor flight is either faking gps data or using RCOverrides to fly in alt hold.

    PIXHAWK and MavProxy - Indoor Autonomous Flight (DroneKit)
    Hi,  So this is my first time using pixhawk and mavproxy, and I am trying to do an autonomous flight indoors. This requires me to turnoff GPS. So I h…
  • The takeoff command will only work in guided mode.

    Guided mode will only arm with a GPS lock.

    Your options at the moment for autonomous indoor flight is either faking gps data or using RCOverrides to fly in alt hold.

  • Hello There,

    Im also having the the same and the exact issue with mavproxy.

    When I am arming the drone and trying to takeoff by giving command takeoff 40, it disarms after few seconds and there is no increase in motor's speed as it should be.

    Im also new to mavproxy and pixhawk, so if you got the solution please share it.

    Thank you


  • When testing it, these are the commands and output I get:

    GUIDED> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 11, result : 0}
    arm throttle
    STABILIZE> APM: Arming motors
    APM: Initialising APM
    Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
    takeoff 40
    STABILIZE> Take Off started
    Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 22, result : 4}
    APM: Disarming motors

    It does this all the time, it arms and then disarms without takeoff

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