Your idea is very interesting and sounds promising. Getting majority of lift with a non tilting motor would solve a lot of structural issues as the tilting mechanism can be weaker. I think your solution would be easy to code for.
"@JB I have written a fork to do this on a custom airframe using the tilt servos for yaw.
It works very well in a hover, very hard to make the mechanism strong enough for forward flight while being fast enough for yaw.
Most tiltwings use geared…"
That is very baffling. I can't think of any reason that option would have been set consciously. I guess we have to put that one down to user error. Sorry to send you on a wild goose chase looking for a bug that wasn't there.
We will try…"
Yes, that video is right, although it is hard to see due to the angle. At 0:21 the mode is changed from QStabilize to Auto and the plane starts accelerating of its own accord.
That log contains just one attempt at the auto mission. If it is…"
"@Andrew Tridgell
We have been using the new quadplane code on our 8kg flying wing quadplane. We are running latest build.
After a bit of tuning it controls the aircraft very well in QSTABILIZE, QHOVER, QLOITER, and QLAND. We are yet to try…"
"Hi everyone,
Appreciate all your work on QuadPlane. Is there any intention to implement a Copter style "guided mode" for controlling the Quadplane in Quad mode via Dronekit Python?
"Copter will aim the camera accurately during ROI so long as you accurately match the PWM limits with the camera angle that those PWM's map to. For instance I had to change the PWM limits because My gimbal does not work well when pointed straight…"
"Ah I didn't realise channels other than 7/8 had OPT settings, that is fantastic.
When my build was last stripped down I had a go at getting the RCPassThru working and had no success, ended up just leading servos straight to the receiver.
Good to hear I can have more than 8 channels into the pixhawk and simultaneously have a few on the PWM pins. Very versatile, I was finding my 9x a little limiting.
I have brought the bits and peices to make the FrSky telemetry work.…"
"Yes, I have the same mount. Not super impressed with it to be honest, it does the job but I want to get the evolution one so that i can take the monitor on and off easily and be able to adjust the angle easily.
"Yes, I do use Tower, which excellent, thanks for the tip on the phone holder, I have been looking for a way to mount the phone as well as my FPV screen. I am going to buy one of these for my screen:…"