Hello fellow pilots!

I am currently having problems with my accelerometer calibration when I upload ArduPlane V3.5.3 onto my Pixhawk. I am also using Mission Planner 1.3.37. When I upload ArduCopter, I am able to move through the calibration steps quickly and effectively. But when I upload the latest version of ArduPlane (I tried 3.5.3 and 3.5.0), I only get to "position on LEFT side" before the whole process basically freezes and becomes unresponsive. Here is a Youtube video that I uploaded showing my exact problems:


I finally got the older vision, ArduPlane V3.4.0,  to get a successful accelerometer calibration. Can someone please tell me what is going on here? I have tried this with 2 (two) different Pixhawks and I get the same results. 

Best regards,


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  • Is Mission Planner discontinued? @Andre K, it seems like you are implying that MP is the problem, and that I should switch to APM planner 2. I just want to make sure that I don't use MP if no developers are going to be working on it anymore.

  • Try latest APM planner 2, ver 1.2.20. Works fine., or mavproxy
    • OK I'll see how well it works. Is it just like Mission Planner? It took a while for me to get proficient with MP so I just want to make sure I can have quick, smooth transition between the two programs.

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