Pixhawk Servo Based GoPro Trigger

Hey all,

I am trying to embark on a rather large undertaking (given my absence of experience with Electrical and Mechanical Engineering) to rig a Pixhawk PWM/Servo port to trigger a GoPro.  

I have found CAMremote-2 that can take "RC input" and convert it into a trigger release for GoPro cameras. Does the servo output qualify as "RC input"? http://vp-systems.eu/manual_cr.html#EXAMPLE-GOPRO 

A different (and seemingly less promising) solution I found used a Stratosnapper2 module to convert the servo output into IR, LANC, and Wire signals. This (might) pair with a separate company "Cam-do" makes a wired trigger that utilizes the 32-pin port in the back of the GoPro to release the shutter. 

Does anyone have any idea if these setups would work? Despite several hours reading datasheets, I still have no idea if this will work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!!

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  • Did you ever get this working? I have a camremote 2A and solo with accessory port wired in. I can get a RX to trigger the camera (SX260 with CHDK) but cannot get the solo to trigger the camera. 

    • Without knowing the specifics of your case, you have to do Mavlink scripting in Python, run everything through a breakout board (which voids your warranty) and try to go that route.  None of that stuff I am very familiar with, good luck!

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