Pixhawk causing motor sync issues.

I believe I have a problem with my Pixhawk and was hoping for some help.  Also posted this on rcgroups.

The issue is that when my speed controllers are hooked up to the Pixhawk they exhibit a bad sync issue.  However when they are connected to my old APM (3.1) or just a receiver directly they do not exhibit these symptoms.  This has resulted in 4 crashes now until I just tonight narrowed down the issue to the Pixhawk.

Can anyone advise what is going on?  Here are the specs of my setup:

Afro 30A ESC's with SimonK firmware (have tried all versions, and made my own with various parameters)

Tiger MT2216-9 1100kv motors

4S 3700mah battery



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                • It's a rather convoluted setup, but it works. You have to flash the bootloader (either simonk's for use with Turnigy USBLinker or an AVRLoader to use with an Arduino) with an USBASP or equivalent, then switch to the single-wire programmer (USBLinker in my case) to flash the actual firmware and write the settings in the EEPROM.

                  I got a bit confused with setting fuses, but in the end I made them work.

                  You don't get too many options, just calibration min/max pwm values, 4 options of timing advance, braking and reverse, but you can set them over the servo cable.

              • Thanks for the great info. Did you happen to try Blheli with demag off?

                I currently have my afro esc's installed and am running blheli on them. To get them not to go out of sync I had to turn demag off and motor timing set to medium-high. 

                I didn't experiment a whole lot with the demag settings. Maybe if I try turning the demag higher and keep motor timing at medium it might do better. I will dig in to wii-esc and see about doing some testing on my setup.

                • try Set BLHeli to

                  Low Demag Compensation,

                  PWM High,(don't know what  damped means here)

                  damping force highest,

                  timing medium or medium-high

        • I am not sure on the amperage. I will setup the laptop with telemetry and see if I can get a reading through the pixhawk power module when testing tonight.

          I believe you are having the sync issues when the pixhawk is involved and not when it isn't involved? I am having the sync issues without the pixhawk being involved at all. I haven't gotten far enough yet to do any testing with the pixhawk as I haven't had a known working setup without sync issues yet except for what I seen so far with the plush esc.

          • Yeah, that's correct, I only get them with Pixhawk connected, so that is different.

        • Yeah, once it gets a few levels deep of replys it won't let you go further.

          Can't wait for the video, would be some solid vindication that my issue is not just due to my setup.  How many amps does one of your motors pull?

  • I had $50 store credit with 3DRobotics they gave me to pay for my back and forth shipping of my Pixhawk to them, so I used it to purchase 4 of the 3DR branded SimonK 20 amp esc's.  Really anxious to get this in the air so I thought I'd give them a shot, and I don't have any other use at this time for the store credit anyway.  I'll report back when I get them, but hopefully by then we'll have some updates from 3DR on the Afro ESC issue I am having.

  • Are you conneting the ground wires on the esc to pixhawk...You should
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