
  • Why is it so hard to post Pids if you have it configured right? Cmon people this is a community we should help each other. 

  • AThR8J8.jpgThought I'd throw in a picture of my setup

    • Disregard, answered my own question =P

    • Hi Adrian, are you still using default PIDs? If not, can you please share your rate and stab PIDs?

      Mine's flying better now with rate p 0.16 and d 0.003. Still get some shaking during descent though which I would love to eliminate.

      • Hi Glenn,

        I did do an auto-tune and it was rubbish - became extremely twitchy - so yes - back using the default PIDs and now have around 40 hours of fully autopilot flying with those settings.

        • Hi Dr Adrian,

          Are you using S900 or S1000? What is the setup?

          What is the flight time of your setup?


          • Hi Glenn,

            It's a S1000 with pixhawk apm 3.2 I played with using the piksi rtk gps but it drops out too much to be stable at the moment so flying with the normal 3dr gps+compass

            I'm hanging a Sony A7r with a nikon 150mm lens from the mounts and using a anti-vibration mount that we made based on this:


            I use 20000 mAh batteries

            The flight time was around 18-20 mins - in the UK winter - when I was in Kenya with it last week it was only around 10 minutes - which I put down to the heat - 40 deg C in the shade. I'm out in Jordan with it next week so hopefully the flight time there is somewhere between the two.

  • To the OP.  If you are anything like my you go on exploratory information hunts months before you start an actual build, which would mean that you are yet to make a purchase.  If that is the case, you can go ahead and throw the Tarot X6 in the mix.


  • I just flew a s1000 fitted with a pixhawk for the first time today. That seemed to work fine so I shouldn't see why you would have a problem with the s900


    • Ran autotune on mine. Didn't get a particularly good tune out of it, so ended up just tweaking it manually. It's still not flying perfectly, there are some shakes when descending quickly or flying in the wind. Would still be interested to see what PIDs others are successfully running on their s900s (Especially the one Marco built and posted the video of).

      I also have the pixhawk mounted on one of those 3d printed omnimac anti-vibe mounts. Not sure if the foam the pixhawk comes with would be better (mine is long gone), or even hard mounting the pixhawk to the top frame plate. How's everyone else mounting theirs?


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