PIxhawk Random Flip

I have the pixhawk installed on a hexacopter frame. I have lots of experience with the APM controller which flies great. However....The Pixhawk has an unpredictable flip. It happens mainly when using GPS functions like loiter, RTL, etc. 90% of the flight its fine without any sign of issues. But all of a sudden it will flip wildly and crash. The problem first presented itself when I tried a RTL. It climbed, moved to its home position and then went wild. Sometimes I hear the beeper (dee dee dee doh). The computer says bad GPS. Sometimes after the beep you will see it heavily glitch and usually a crash. Today it was in loiter mode and a motor shut down causing a light crash. But later that day after placing the GPS/mag on a high mast away from everything, I was flying in Auto mode. Just before it finished its mission it rolled wildly into the ground. No glitching or anything prior to the crash. Is anyone else having these issues? 

Flight Logs 2:24:14.zip

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  • I have been living with the occasional flip on my TL8X octo.  Google my videos.  It has happened three times.  I finally built a test stand out of a garbage can and tested the daylights out of it, letting it hover a couple inches above the can, but firmly tethered to the ground.  While I was never able to recreate, the flip, I did start having motors stop after 7.5 minutes.  The arms were hot (escs inside) and I was able to repeat the problem on other arms/escs.  I am using foxtech multipal 40A escs (aslo known as ZTW 40A spider) on 4016 380 kv motors.  I added additional capacitance for the longer run from the pdb to the esc.  I also added a huge heat sink on each esc as they were all quite hot.  I tested it and it ran fine.  I now have 20 flights with no major problems.   I never had a flip problem on my smaller drones, so I think it is all tied to the esc.  Best of luck with this friggin hobby.

  • I had the exact same problem!! Two frames gone to waist thanks to this GPS glitch (one cinetank and one flip fpv)... As soon as it uses GPS it did something crazy... first time I was flying it ALT HOLD at the park and just went crazy, almost hit my son, missed him by two inches... The sec on time, flip fpv I went out of the "safe zone" range and it just took off on it's own, landed on somebody's house, I had to look for it for at least a couple hours... until some lady came out with the quad all in peaces; she had founded in her backyard... :(

    I'm really discourage because of this... I actually afraid of putting it together and flying it again with a different frame... I have a FLIP 360 with the pixhawk and it has never acted weird or done any crazy stunts like this one has.

    I purchase two Pixhawks and 1 APM 2.6 in two weeks... just imagine the kind of money I spend into my quads, and now they're all garbage... I say we got a defective Pixhawk... I know 100% that it wasn't the GPS, and to ruled this out, I took the GPS off my APM the second time to make sure it wasn't a bad GPS and it still did it again... this time I lost the GPS... so I need to buy another one... good for 3d Robotics... not good for me.

    Here's dome pics:





  • It was flying good for a few flights. Then in the beginning of one flight while in loiter it gave me some beeping (Dee Dee Dee Doh) and it flipped.

  • Logs, or it didn't happened :-)
    And no, I've never seen it misbehaving, except for logging can stop midair. (sd issues)
    • Since i'm the only one on this forum who is having a random flip....what am I doing wrong? I've flown with my APM on the same ship so I know the ship is sound. This Pixhawk flip is very random. It will fly perfectly then all of a sudden "instant flip." It only seems to happen with GPS functions enabled. I did get it to flip once in Acro Mode but I think it was a PID issue and seemed to be fixed. Could it be dirty power? I'm powering the Pixhawk from an ESC/BEC. I'm using 6S with the 180 amp sensor. The buzzer occasionally lets out the DEE DEE DEE DOH alerting me of bad GPS? It is too unpredictable to fly. It will fly perfectly and then go flipping nuts! I could try some things but i'm shooting in the dark. Please Help me! My logs are on the top post.

      • your not the only one... I got the same issue...

        • No crash is a good one. I've had the pixhawk since its release and have updated the firmware upon each release. However just as I thought the glitches were gone they come right back. I haven't graduated the pixhawk from my test quad because of this issue. I was becoming convinced over the last several flights the problem had gone away and then it revealed itself in spectacular fashion. A little while back I tried an auto takeoff and instead of going straight up it went full steam into a tree nearby barely missing me and my truck. I never did an auto takeoff again. Several more flights went by with no issues. Then while loitering with my 10,000mah 6S $250 battery it decided to say "dee dee dee doh" several times and flip wildly into the ground. My trust for the pixhawk has finally ended. I have two APM hex's and they have never crashed!

          • Hey Sean! Man I feel u... I wonder if we could call 3d robotics and get a replacement... By u explaining what ur Pixhawks is doing I can tell u that mine did the exact same thing, in one occasion it took off at full speed sideways and missed my son by two inches.

            I order a new frame from France it's called the J-Squad and Ive contemplated installing the pixhawk in it... But I'm so afraid of losing it again!! I'm traumatized by the Pixhawks already!! Lol

            I wonder if 3d robotics would help us out and replace the defective pixhawk??

      • Which of the logs are a flip/crash - so I don't need to convert all ?

        Also, did you notice if the roll/crash always is on in one particular direction ? - if so - that could indicate bad connection/esc/motor.

        If you noticed a random motor shutdown, usually at the moment when switching modes, especially when switching to a mode that holds altitude - it could be motor/esc/prop combination going out of sync.

        -tell more if you are sure about it :)

        • I'm moving the Pixhawk over to my small test quad incase of a crash. The Tarot 960 frame its on is too much of a bitch to repair after a hard crash. The quad is very sound and has been flying for several months with an APM controller. I'll swap the APM to the hex and the Pixhawk to the quad and see what I get.

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