
PixRacer with Ardupilot

This is a discussion to focus the feedback and support of ardupilot on the PixRacer board from

We believe that all teething problems encountered are now resolved and so we recommend people load Copter-3.3.4 which is available for all multicopters through the Mission Planner's (and other GCS's) Install Firmware screens.  Note that because regular Pixhawks are still on Copter-3.3.3 the install icon may show Copter-3.3.3 but rest assured, Copter-3.3.4 will be installed (you can check the version by looking at the very top of the Mission Planner).


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      • Developer

        with some help from James I've now setup my 250 quad with latest BLHeli firmware (on afro 20A ESCs) which supports OneShot125. I have got it working but it is intermittent. I'm analysing what the cause of the issues is and will post once I have it working reliably.

  • Okay, it happened again, but 100x's worse.
    Just hovering, the quad did a Massive Roll to the left and it plowed into the ground bringing the grass up with it.

    CF frame so no damage.

    In the logs you can see something crazy happened, red lines shoots all over the place, although it was just maintaining a hover over one small area.

    I also see a EKF_CHECK 2, but EKF_ENABLE = 0


    2016-04-15 14-14-03.log
    • T3


      there seems to be an error in the altitude estimate. It seems unrelated to the GPS. However, HDOP is relatively high in the beginning of the flight. Hence, there might be some relation. Some NKF data also seem to go wild shortly before the strange altitude estimate. 

      It's a little strange. Would be good if a dev can have a look.

      • NKF, do you mean EKF?

        This was stabilized mode so GPS/HDOP should not affect this correct?

        There is surely something going on here but i don't know what exactly.

        • 1. The EKF status window is reporting partly heavy movements (Mainly Velocity up to red , Pos Hor/Vert,Compass a little) while the copter is setting on the balcony desk (@ low HDOP <1) .

          2. The MAG calibration is working for all compass, (turning balls, saving offsets) but is constantly reporting Error 99 for MAG 3 during the calibration process.

          • yeah, I think something here is causing my random pitches/rolls

    • Here is a pic of AHR2 Roll vs ATT Roll

      I'm not sure what one is vehicle or what one is stick
      Documentation says

      RollIn The pilot’s desired roll angle in centi-degrees (roll left is negative, right is positive)
      Roll The vehicle’s actual roll in centi-degrees (roll left is negative, right is positive)

      But I don't see RollIn
      I am not sure why this would happen :(
  • Is the voltage/current sensor working on PixRacer? I have ACSP4 and cannot make it to show any reasonable values.

    • Yes. Works well for me with these settings :

      3702628907?profile=originalKeep in mind: Voltage calibration w/o load and current calibration should be done with a hi amp load (e.g. couple of Halo bulbs) Don´t expect proper current readings without load. This is not meant to measure quiescent currents ;-)

      • Thank. I will try to test it with the latest build. With my 3DR PixHawk I am able to measure voltage without even arming the motors, it may not be very accurate, but close. With PixRacer I was getting way low values and it triggers falisafe, so I disabled the sensor.

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