problem after arming the motors

the motors spin only after doing the arming of motors , but when i unplug the battery i can't spin the motors again
what's the problem
thank you very much 

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  • Assuming that this isn't a troll:

    If you have not read the guides to how to setup the arducopter, I suggest you start reading it at

    Now to answer your question, the battery is needed to power up the quadrotor. Therefore if the battery is unplug, nothing should turn on (unless your APM happens to be connected to the PC through a USB cable).

    Looking at your replies, I am assuming that English isn't your cup of tea. Therefore you could have meant something else which you were not able to say it clearly.

    it's must usually do the arming of motors to spin the motors or i can spin automatically the motors after finishing the arming ?

    The APM has this 'failsafe program' loaded into it so that people would not be harmed by accidentally pushing the control sticks and the props start spinning without warning. Therefore the process of arming is like releasing the safety lock to allow the props to spin on a nudge of the control sticks. Disarming would mean putting on the safety lock again. Is it clear enough?

  • I'm guessing there is a bit of a language barrier here.  Otherwise this would be like calling the cable company to complain that your TV isn't working when the power is out.

  • this has to be a troll right?

    • Let's not jump to that conclusion. Lot's of things can stop motors from spinning, not just trolls.

      • That's very true actually, sorry if I was in any way judging.

    • it's must usually do the arming of motors to spin the motors or i can spin automatically the motors after finishing the arming ?

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