Hi, I have a set of the 433MHz RCTimer telemetry radios and have noticed the noise level on the ground radio is about 20 units higher than the air module (due to onboard FTDI chip) which is limiting potential range.
I had a look at the datasheet for the HM-TRP module and was wondering.. would it work if I de-soldered the HM-TRP from the RCTimer board and connected it directly to a 3.3v FTDI adaptor via a longer lead (and set the Config pin high and the Enable pin low)?
Dear Marcin,
after searching for wireless communication I found another (your) blog "clean module from Hope RF, reprogrammed by myself". I like to come back to my previous request.
Can you provide me two of this modules set for 868 Mhz, 2400 bauds 8 bits no parity?
What I am looking for is two ready to use modules. I want to send data over TX at 2400 baud and receiceve the data on the RX module.
Best regards
PS again I believe you are the Guru of the HM-TRP modules
I'm unable to do this - I'm using SiK firmware, same as used in 3DR Radio modems.
Dear Marcin,
What do You mean by "I am unable to do this"? Is this a technical reason? I Whant to say: "Do You cannot reprogramme the devices" or is it a commercial reason like payment etc.
The last one is easy. I will pay upfront Your proposal prior shipment.
As You can see I am looking for a ready to go solution (data transmission at 2400 bauds) and I am willing to pay for this.
Best regards
Thank you for response and sharing.
Are you using your own FW or SIK?
Your hardware might have contribution with lower noise but the software you did have bigger role for long range I believe.
I don't know if 915 can achieved what you have on 433. And also just curious if your using standard dipole antenna?
if you have special component of linear regulator from 5V to 3.3 can you let me know how you set it up. I'm just electronic hobbyist no special background .
Standard SiK firmware, uploaded via 3DR Radio Config Tool, nothing special :-)
I expect for 915 lower distances than for 433, but difference shouldn't be more then 20-30%.
I'm using standard LDO voltage regulator, I dont't even remember part number.
Also different homemade antennas (GP, inverted Vee, dipoles etc.)
Hey Iskess,
I tried to convert our ground telems without any luck. Both ground and modified air mod are showing solid green but red light is blinking too faintly on the air side. Connection just times out and no packets are received. Tried doing the modification on a jdrones and hextronik module. Is there anything else I should change such as settings on the firmware or cutting a trace?

Did you ever get this working? Im trying to do the same thing.
have you checked voltage on the VCC pin?
im not sure about this, but maybe the pins on the arduino already feed 3.3 V to the module.
Checked the telemetry pinouts of the APM 2.5 board with a multi tester. It outputs 5V so it's not a power issue.