Would it be possible you fly without EKF ? with same pattern poshold, RTL and Land.
Taking off with stabilize mode as if the 3D fix safety check is applied, otherwise it won't arm.
just trying to scale down the probable cause.
and if further…"
"Thanks Mark
the good thing to know with both logs, EKF is enable
we found 0 INAVEER. one of them.
I have downloaded. and will play with them tonight.
Still want to know if people flying without EKF enable will have same error indication.?
Yes if your flight mode is Loiter prior takeoff you need GPS lock otherwise you cannot arm.
and GPS locked prior takeoff is not necessary for Stabilize ,Althold and Acro mode
since the GPS function might not need while taking off but
"I fix my paragraph kind of confusing above( sorry I typed with my tablet.)
In the case high INAVEER ( without GNSS interference and without GNSS satellite degradation) on your graph and in the even EKF enable before you fly.
This EKF will not kick…"
What you did amaze me and very good job indeed.
I was the one deleted the question as I thought I posted the same question that John Deningss did asking for graphed to INAVEER, I want to figure out the timing on INAVEER elavated So about…"
Your link didn't represent your statement that some problem with 3DR GPS , INAVERR, how high? and how low.? 3DR hasn't released the M8 series .. yet... even Craig gave discouraging statement to apply 8 series.
what for some as high as 255…"
"Randy I was able to upload the 3.2 dev
and connect via mavlink was fine
but when I try use CLI terminal , afterconnect
and opening port , there was gable message.Tried tos stop by pressing enter , it didn't work
and I put back older firmware (…"
Forget about my problem I solve it
I think there is confusion about my arduino IDE I have instaledl Ardunio 1.05 some how the registry and other things is not clean enough and also my kaspersky AV
and I compile exactly like yours 245,298 bytes…"
First of all thank you for response
I hope your are using exactly the same tools as inside the wiki
I had same experience like Julien Dubois here
and I believe ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-gcc-4.7.2-windows.zip , even you have updated 4.72 at…"
Thank you for your response
Is it the optical flow disabled by default?
I did disable gimbal , camera trigger , sonar ?
need about 5K lesser now
and will disable fence
and can I disable the HIL with
and also…"
I was trying to take a chance compiling 3.2 base on the wiki
the sketch too bigBinary sketch size is 263,264 bytes (of 258,048 bytes maximum)attached my APM_config.hCan you take a lookThank you very much"
Thank you for response and sharing.
Are you using your own FW or SIK?
Your hardware might have contribution with lower noise but the software you did have bigger role for long range I believe.
I don't know if 915 can achieved what you have on…"
it is clear you can see the parameter of 3DR radio using 3DR Radio Config Software by clicking load setting and both parameter
"Local Version" and " Remote Version" have same Value
Meaning Both Radio ground and ground Mod working ok