Hello everyone, I have a Hardware in the Loop system that includes ArduPilotMega with ArduPlane 3.2.2 and FlightGear flight simulator running in Windows computer. I noticed that 'MAVlink.xml' and 'FGShim.c' files which were…
Hello everyone, I am using ArduPlane code with FlightGear for Hardware in the Loop. I am using Rascal110 airframe in FlightGear. I am trying to obtain Airspeed from my ArduPlane. I used following code to obtain this inside…
"Hi Don,
Did you select proper board and comm port?
Also did you choose correct directory in files->preferences menu?
Make sure you restart the IDE.
I hope this helps."
"My Problem is getting solved just by adding one line in APM_Config.h as follows
However as suggested in this file, when I deleted "/* and trailing "*/" I got two errors as follows:
"Hi Jon,
Did you get solution for this? I am looking for a solution to similar problem. I need to use my modified code to work with HIL. Please help if you have a solution."
Hello everyone, I have seen instructions on setting up HIL using mission planner. In this case, I believe we use code provided by developers. I have successfully tested HIL with FlightGear. In case if I have to test my modified…
Hi everyone, I wanted to set up Hardware-in-the-Loop with ArduPilot and FlightGear. I followed following instructions provided in wiki. https://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/FlightGear After step 6 (6. Check the FlightGear radio button,…
"Thanks Randy,
I found that later last evening. I am going through all the steps. I hope it will work. In the past I had problem with Ardupilot Arduino 1.0.3. While compiling it was throwing error: "Sketch is too big"."
Hello all, I was trying to compile ArduPlane Code from Arduino IDE. I got following errors: Could you please help me out?In file included from C:\Users\dawadea\Documents\ardupilot\libraries\AP_Progmem/AP_Progmem.h:5, from…
"Hi Parth,
Could you please explain with an example? I did similar thing but didn't work. First I connected TX2, RX2, +5V and GND pins (PINS 5,6,7 and 8) below reset button of ArduPilot2.5 to my LinuX computer. I used hal.uartC->write(1)…"
"Hello Alessandro and Gabriel,
I have been pondering on this for more than 4 weeks now. uartA is used for Telemetry when MUX is left as it is. uartB is required for GPS. I think we shouldn't touch it as it will be required for safety…"
"Hello everyone, Now I have successfully downloaded "adruino IDE 1.5.5 beta" on my Ubuntu Linux and it is working perfectly fine. There is no problem with binary sketch size. New sketch I am getting is in the range of 360K which is…"