Setup of CHDK

I want to ask what is your setting of using CHDK? What setting did you use for taking a vertical static images? eg ISO, shutter speed... etc. I using quadcopter apm 2.5.I taken some picture, but it was blur.

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  • Hi All,

    I have a powershot S110. While playing around with the ISO settings, It will only go up to 320. Is this 3200?? i.e. are they just leaving a zero off?

  • Moderator
    Yes, what JP said. Shutter speed is critical.
    It also helps if you add vibration isolation for your camera.
    But at 1/2500, if you have the light for that quick of a shot, it doesn't matter as much.
  • Hello:

    Make sure your camera is in shutter priority mode "P" .. next try using a shutter speed of 1/1000th or higher. white balance should be set to a fixed setting 'day' or 'sunlight' and not 'auto'.. (depends on sky conditions) 

    You can experiment with auto ISO or a fixed ISO to see what gives the most consistent images (brightness, contrast, colors)

    Good luck!

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