
  • Really quick and dirty way... Do a print screen after you pause it where you want it. Paste it into MSPaint, crop, save as... Done.


    Works great.


  • a single photo from a specific point in the video? If you can post the video online or on your server space if you have it, and tell me the time you want the pic(s) in the video, I can help you.


  • This can be tricky.. I would suggest using a framegrabber program to extract the NADIR frames every X seconds to obtain the appropriate in-track and cross-track overlap. Once you've got your NADIR frames clipped out of the video, you can geo-tag them if you video time is synced with your flight controller logs. Next, you'd send those images to a post-processing service for DEM/Ortho construction. Most photogrammetry outfits recommend using imagery of at least 5 mega pixels and go pro's aren't a good choice for precise mapping missions. Good  luck!

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