Tarot 2D gimbal and Pixhawk - Tilt control

Hi everyone,After spending almost my entire Sunday trying to get this work, I finally thought that asking here might be wise...Here is my problem:I can't get to control my tarot gimbal tilt from my RC through the Pixhawk.I think the Pixhawk is running the latest apm version (I updated it a month ago).I've found two different wiring instructions.- Here, using 3 cables: http://3drobotics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Tarot-gimbal-kit-quady6x8.pdf- Here, with 2 cables: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-tarot-gimbal/None would work for me.With the 3 wires option, the gimbal turns and locks facing up/left.With the 2 wires option, the gimbal behaves like it's working independently (i.e. stabilizes nicely, keeping the camera straight, but now way to command it).I checked in APM PLANNER, RC calibration, the knob (pot) I want to use seems correctly mixed to channel 6 and I can see the gauge moving on the calibration page.So it seems that it is not something on the RC side or the Rx.Btw, I use a turnigy 9x flashed with the er9x firmware. The receiver is a FrSky D8r-II plus flashed with the XP firmware to get PPM.I also followed the wiki instructions to configure the gimbal in the mission planner.I uploaded the 3dr settings to the gimbal with the tarot flashing software.And the gimbal is running the 1.4 firmware.So please, can anyone help me find where I'm messing up?And as a starting point: is it a 2 or 3 cables wiring needed to the pixhawk?Many thanks for your help,Mathieu

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          • Darryl, to get the linear relationship you want, you need to connect the USB dngle and select "Stick Mode" (Mode 2) in the gimbal configuration software. You then need to input max and min angles. 

            • Got it, thank you!

          • Thanks Daryl, 

            Not sure who you responded to but I read carefully your post.

            Somehow, I managed to get the tilt control to work.



  • Pleaaaase, does anyone use a tarot gimbal with a Pixhawk and figured out how to use the tilt control?

    "help me DIYD community, you're my only hope"



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