
I'm having trouble generating KML/KMZ files I can use in Google Earth since MP version 1.2.62. Whenever I generate a KML/KMZ file and view it in GE all I get is a flat projection of points on the ground (no altitude). When I look at the KML file generated by the MP it looks like the altitudes given are relative instead of absolute. I tried generating a KML/KMZ file using the MP v1.2.65 and then displaying the results in GE the results are shown below.

3691045762?profile=originalAs you see all I get are flat projections on the ground when I should have elevation projections. The field shown here is apx. 984 ft. MSL and the flight cruised in Auto at 400' AGL the first altitude I see in the KML file generated by the MP reads like .000973488 or something like that, or in other words the altitude relative to the home position when it should be showing absolute or MSL altitude I think.

The next picture shows the results when I upload the same tlog to droneshare and generate a KMZ file for use in GE.

3691045524?profile=originalThis is what I expect to see, and what used to be generated in older versions of the MP, so it would appear that the MP is broken in this respect. Can anyone else confirm the same result or explain what I might be doing wrong?


Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

2013-07-31 17-35-48.tlog

droneshare2013-07-31 17-35-48 .kmz

2013-07-31 17-35-48.tlog.kmz

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  • I realize this is quite an old post, but I came across it trying to find out how to change MP from generating the GE file with absolute altitudes and instead include the relative as none of it looks right when played back, you bounce along the ground most of the flight...

    Anyways, FYI a .kmz file is actually a .zip file of the .kml along with some other icons, etc...if you open the file using winrar or any other unzip program (rename if you need to) you can easily extract the files to do as you wish with.

    Nathaniel Caner said:

    I updated my MP to 1.2.66 today and can confirm that it did in fact fix the issue. The only issue I have though is that it only creates the GPX and KMZ files, not the KML file. Is this a mistake, if not why have we eliminated the KML file? I like the KML file because I can read it and search it. Was this intentional?


    Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

  • Moderator

    I updated my MP to 1.2.66 today and can confirm that it did in fact fix the issue. The only issue I have though is that it only creates the GPX and KMZ files, not the KML file. Is this a mistake, if not why have we eliminated the KML file? I like the KML file because I can read it and search it. Was this intentional?


    Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

  • After you open the 2013-07-31 17-35-48.tlog.kmz file into google earth, right click on the Flight path of interest, select properties.  Then select altitude then select "relative to ground" - it seems to be set to "absolute" in your file.  That will let you view for now.

    Yes, I confirmed the problem with your tlog.kmz file. I have not generated a log yet with MP 65, but my  tlog.kmz files generated with MP 1.2.63 (I think) work as expected - load into GE and altitude is relative to ground-as it should be. So this could be in version 64, 65. or as you say, 62 - 65

    If others have seen this, I could be a tweak is needed in Mission Planner.


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