Upload/Dowload to ArduPilot

I use Arduino to upload program to ArduPilot.  Could soemone advise me how to download the program from ArduPilot?  I want to know the existing setting of my  ArduPilot for PID adjustment .  Thanks.

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  • Developer

    9600 buad on telemetry is to slow.

  • If you uploaded new and did not save the previous variables then likely the pid adjustments are lost.


  • ok I got it to connect but after about 1 min I get this error

    "B|::?'dB:6j2}lost 11 pkts 231
    bps 923 loss 11 left 7 mem 38519992
    Mavlink Bad Packet (crc fail) len 40 crc 63739 pkno 30
    :"[p%lost 59 pkts 234
    bps 922 loss 12 left 1 mem 38618296
    REQ streams - flightdata
    Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA2 at 10 hz : currently 3.4358741709303
    Serial Reader fail :The port is closed.
    Not a 1280

  • I Want to change baud line #define SERIAL3_BAUD        9600

    Once the APM_confih.h file is edited how do I get it loaded???

    Is there a guide I'm missing?

  • Moderator

    As far as I know you can't download from Ardupilot, only write the new to it.

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